Chapte Eight

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Chapter Eight: Cursing Like A SailorSophia Crawford

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Chapter Eight: Cursing Like A Sailor
Sophia Crawford

River is the most calloused, cruel and disrespectful person I have ever met.

I thought he was cruel even before he threw the papers—the notes I have made for him to understand what we did in class yesterday better—in the trashcan without a single ounce of remorse in the blues of his eyes.

He just doesn’t care about school, and the fact that he didn’t care about school made my blood boil all over again. Why was I the unlucky one to have been paired with him? If he doesn’t throw in his hands to help me in Biology and the assignment, I would fail to make my grandmother proud and everything will be River’s fault for lacking to cooperate with me.

“Asshole.” I mutter.

Ana falls into step beside me, frowning at me. “What’s got you cursing like that?” She asks. “But seeing that you’re looking in the direction of River, do I even have to ask why?”

I chuckle despite my anger towards River for being so completely cruel. “River threw the notes I made for him yesterday while he was gone into the trashcan.” I sigh, shaking my head. “I wasted an entire period writing it down for him. I thought I was doing something nice, but I was wrong.”

It didn’t exactly anger me that River threw the notes I spent an entire period writing into the trashcan; it angered me because he didn’t care at all. It angered me because he wasn’t even going to try to cooperate with me.

He doesn’t care if he fails, and if he slacks off in Biology, I might fail too and that is something I cannot afford right now.

I cannot afford to disappoint my grandmother. I just really cannot.

“River doesn’t appreciate nice things.” Ana says. “Ask Cole, he knows.”

“I noticed that a few minutes ago when River threw my notes in the trash!” I huff irritably.  “I just wanted to bury the hatred we have toward each other, but him throwing all my hard work in the trash proved to me that he will never change and he will never try to either. He will forever be this cruel and calloused. He might have his own personal problems to deal with… I get that…but honestly, a thank you for trying to help would’ve been appreciated. I was trying to do a nice thing despite our differences.”

Ana frowns when she turned to look at me. “Personal problems?”

My eyes widen on the spot, thinking I compromised River’s panic attack and what happened in the bathroom a week ago, but then I remembered that Ana and Cole talked about the rumours going around about what happened to him and I can use that to take the attention away from the problems I mentioned.

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