Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two: RegretRiver Jenkins

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Chapter Forty Two: Regret
River Jenkins

“I’m happy to announce that every single one of you did a spectacular job at completing your assignments, in due time, as well.” Mr Ryan says, smiling widely at every single one of us sitting in his classroom. “The essays were beautifully written, but the one essay I found quite interesting was Miss Crawford and Mr Jenkins’ essay.” He continues, looking directly at our table, towards Sophia and I. “They went in complete detail writing everything they saw in the caterpillar’s changes, and for that, River and Sophia, I crown the two of you the winners for the butterfly assignment.”

Sophia smiles, but even I who sat beside her could see that it was forced.

She hasn’t talked to me since Daniel’s birthday and that means she hasn’t talked to me in almost a month.

I despise myself for what I said to her about Daniel. I wish I could explain to her that the words just left my mouth, and that I didn’t think at all, but that would include her actually talking to me and she hasn’t talked to me in a while.

I always ruin every single thing because I don’t like being confronted.

She hates me, and to be honest, I don’t even blame her. I would hate myself too. Hell, I already hate myself for what I had said to her. It was cruel and heartless.

I raise my hand, catching Mr Ryan’s attention.

He actually looked shocked that I raised my hand for the first time since I entered his classroom a few months back. “Yes, Mr Jenkins?”

Sophia deserves all the credit for the essay we had to write on the butterfly, but I don’t know if admitting that I didn’t really have a hand in it would get her to talk to me again, but it was a chance I had to take.

I can’t handle her silence anymore.

I need her to talk to me.

When she didn’t come to my aunt’s dinner the other day, I was disappointed.

I was hoping to see her so that I could talk to her and to apologize to her for being a complete ass on the day she was the most hurt, but I didn’t just want to see her to apologize to her, I wanted to see her again to spend time with her.

 “Sophia did everything.” I tell Mr Ryan honestly, seeing Sophia look at me in my peripheral vision, but looked away just as quickly, like she forgot we weren’t on speaking terms. “She has to get all the credit for the essay. I didn’t do anything… at all.”

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