Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine: Graveyard's Deafening SilenceSophia Crawford

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Chapter Thirty Nine: Graveyard's Deafening Silence
Sophia Crawford

I thought my life has taken a turn for best seeing that my father was back in my life, living with me and my grandmother again after he left my mother for good.

Even River and I were on good terms for the very first time in a very, very long damn time. One can even call what we have a decent friendship now, even after the awkward kiss we never got a chance to talk about because he has left me and my father to talk things out, something he never had a chance to do because the pain of seeing his father again after the terrible things he has done to them.

The nightmares I was getting before meeting River were at a minimum, and I found myself waking up actually looking forward to the day without feeling dread lingering in my veins, but even though my life has taken a turn for the best, nothing could have prepared me for this day.

Today was worse than any nightmare I have ever had. It was the day I have been dreading since the drive to the prison a little more than a week ago.

It was the seventh of December today. It's Daniel' birthday.

I was lying in my bed, staring at my ceiling and listening to the bird's chirping coming from the trees right outside my window. Even though it was snowing heavily outside, the birds didn't care about the cold or the snow invading in on their homes. They sang happily because they survived through the night, and they were letting their friends know that they survived, too.

I kept lying in my bed with my comforter pulled tightly over my body until I could muster enough strength to get out of the safety of my bed to take on today, but the strength never came; I couldn't get out of my bed.

I sigh, turning my head toward the nightstand where my alarm clock stood.

The time read: 06:55.

I was way too tired to let River come over for today to work on the essay seeing that the caterpillar has reached his final stage in growing until he has to hatch, but I couldn't face him today, so I decided to send him a message to let him know that I wasn't in the mood to work on the assignment with him today.

I lean over to the nightstand, grabbing my phone.

SOPHIA CRAWFORD: I'm not feeling well. Can we work on the editing for the essay some other time? Maybe tomorrow?

Ten seconds after the message was sent, it wasn't even seen yet. It was still too early for him to be awake yet so I doubt he'd read the message now.

I place my phone back onto the nightstand and finally gathered enough strength to throw my feet over the bed to climb out of it. To be honest, I would've stayed in bed the entire weekend if I could; but there are things I need to do today.

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