Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four: Conjuring DemonsRiver Jenkins

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Chapter Thirty Four: Conjuring Demons
River Jenkins

Today is the day to see my father – the man who has abused me for my entire childhood, and the man who has taken my own brother and mother from me.

He has been rotting in jail since he took their lives, and I haven't seen him since that awful night.

I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy to see the man who has taken absolutely everything from them, but Sophia was right the other day when she said that seeing my dad would be a way for me to move on, a way for me to heal properly, but the thought of seeing that man again after everything he has done, to me and Beck and my poor mother... it made me feel absolutely sick to the stomach.

I couldn't sleep a wink last night—not that I ever could before because of my father's taunting voice inside my head, but since I talked to Sophia about what happened, telling her every single detail of everything my father has done to me and to Beck and to my mother... it made me sleep slightly better at nights.

It was a very difficult decision to make to see my father, but for me to be able to heal, I need to see him. It was a crucial step I cannot skip. I have to see my father.

I need closure.

I don't exactly know if I'm going to get closure from the man who has taken absolutely everything from me, but it was a chance I had to take. The only problem was that I couldn't do it alone, and I can't expect my aunt to see my dad with me.

I need someone who can relate to the pain.

I need someone who experienced death of a loved one first hand.

I take my phone from the nightstand and dial Sophia's number.

It's unfair to expect her to come with me to see my father because I didn't want to involve her in this, but I was desperate. Sophia knew pain and grief first hand, she knows what it feels like to lose someone and to blame themselves for their death.

Sophia answers on the fourth ring.


"Sophia, it's me. River."

There's chuckling coming from her side, and a quick rustle, telling me that she maybe just woke up, or she wanted to move to another room to speak to me.

"I know." She says. "It states so on the caller id."

"Right." I chuckle to myself. "Well, I hope I didn't wake you." I lean to the side, looking at the clock on my nightstand. "It is after all just before seven o'clock."

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