just stop!

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Dear parents,

Stop putting all this stress on me.

I understand we have to move .

I understand we all have to help pack.

I understand you have work so you can't help.

But on your days off you could at least fucking help instead of staying your sorry ass in the fucking bed.

Why can't I have better fucking parents?!

Between dad being gone for weeks and only visiting for a few days and leaving to you going to work and coming home sleeping on the days your off.

Stop putting all this fucking stress on me!

You only tell me to pack.

Its like I'm the only fucking kid in the house!

Did you forget you have a daughter and two sons?! Well if you did then I hope I reminded you.

God damn I wish I was living with someone else.

I can't fucking wait till they come and take me out of this house!

And when they finally do don't try to get me back. I swear to god you get me back if they take me I'm slicing my fucking wrist till I bleed to death.

I would rather be dead then live with people who are always gone and not in my life.

- your fucking daughter.

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