Diamonds In The Sky

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Thanks to all for commenting and voting on the previous story. Here is a new story, let me warn, it is very long. Hope you guys will like it.

Pragya excitedly keeps her luggage in her hotel room. She turns back to see that her sister had plopped down on the bed.

"What are you doing, di?" Pragya asks her.

"Resting." Aaliyah replies.

"But why? We just got here, di!"

"It was a long drive, Pragya. Please don't disturb me."

"Don't you want to meet King bhaiyya? Come on, di!"

"Pragya... please." Aaliyah moans too tired.

"How is your room?" Sarala asks as she walked in with Raghuveer.

"It's nice." Pragya replies as she turned around to look at her parents.

Sarala smiles as she lovingly caressed her.

"Come, Mummy. Let's go meet everyone." Pragya tells her excitedly.

"Relax, Pragya. We will meet them." Raghuveer tells her smiling.

"We could have come with them." Pragya tells them.

"Stop acting so hyper, Pragya." Aaliyah tells her.

"I just don't understand why you don't want to meet King bhaiyya."

"Because I will meet him later."

Hearing notification on all their mobile, they all pick it up. Tej had send a message on their group called King-Aaliyah Engagement.

We are thinking of having lunch. You guys joining?

Pragya quickly replies, Yes.

"Okay. I am going." Pragya declares as she informed everyone.

"Wait, we are coming." Raghuveer tells her.


"Shine bright like a diamond." Abhi softly hums as he looked through his phone to check if he got any new mails.

"You know only that song or what?" King asks him curiously and in exasperation.

"What?" Abhi asks as he looked up at him.

"You are forever singing that song. Somedays you would be on a loop, it just drives me mad."

Abhi chuckles, "I love that song."

"Since yesterday evening you have been going on and on."

Abhi grins at him.

"ABHI!" Pragya calls out to him as she hurried to him.

Hearing her, Abhi turns around to look and sees her running towards him.

"She is here!" King tells Abhi chuckling.

Abhi looks around and sees that the people in the lobby were curiously looking at him and Pragya. "She has not an ounce of shame in her!" Abhi mutters to King.

"I find her antics cute." King tells him grinning.

Abhi gives him a look.

"HEY!" Pragya happily stops near Abhi. She takes his hand and holds it.

"Pragya, everyone is looking. You are making a scene." Abhi tells her in a stern tone.

Pragya looks around then she turns to Abhi and sheepishly say, "Sorry." Then she asks Abhi, "Do you know it's been 5 days since we saw each other?"

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