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Abhi's POV

"I will never marry you!" Tanu's words kept ringing in my ears as I stood in my mandap all ready for the wedding. Damn to think that I left a meeting halfway through to get here on time.

I couldn't believe it, I lost everything. Every single thing. How could I let this happen? How could I lose everything just like that?

"This is what is called the masterstroke." Nikhil says smirking.

I look at Nikhil, my supposed cousin, gloating at his victory. How could Dad do this to me? It is not the property that mattered, it is all of Dad's and my hard work of years that is going to be tortured and ruined. The company, properties and the very house I live in would be Nikhil's tomorrow. I lost my Dad and I survived that, and I don't need these properties but if I let Nikhil get all of Dad's hard-earned money and wealth, Nikhil will gamble it away in the blink of an eye. I just knew it.

"How could I let my family property go to you? An adopted son?" Nikhil asks me throwing in my adoption on my face. It never hurt me that I was the adopted son of Atul Mehra, because it never made a difference in our relation. I loved him more than a biological son could love his father and he loved me just as much. Then why did he do this? Why did he make a stupid will like this?

"It's nothing personal, Abhi." Tanu says smirking. "Why should I settle for just your property alone when I can have your property combined with Nikhil's?"

"Have to say, you lost a smart girl." Nikhil chuckles.

"Sir..." Raj gently holds my hand in a consoling way, "All is not lost."

"You got just a day more to turn 30 but I already chose Nikhil." Tanu tells me.

"You are an idiot, Abhi to wait till the last day to get married. You should have at least fixed a wedding date earlier than the last moment." Nikhil gloats.

"We have decided to get married tomorrow. It would be our birthday gift to you." Tanu tells Abhi chuckling.

"Make sure you have the servants prepare the master bedroom for our wedding night." Nikhil tells him.

"And don't stick around to welcome us home. Leave from our house before we even get there. We don't want our wedded bliss to be ruined with your presence." Tanu says as she turned to kiss Nikhil on his lips.

And I was sidetracked seeing that, did she really think that I would be jealous? In all of these times when did she assume that I felt something for her more than friendship?

"Let's go, love. We are giving the guests a good show." Nikhil tells her with a flirty smile. Soon they leave and I watch them walk away thinking on what to do next.

"Sir, don't worry. Nothing is lost." Raj says again.

"I lost, Raj. I couldn't save Dad's properties." I tell him as I felt like a complete loser. "Why did he write a will like that?" I couldn't help ask him that, why did Dad do this? I know how much he loves me and hate Nikhil, then why did he do this?

"Please listen to me, Sir."

I just wasn't in the mood to listen to anyone. "I'm going home. Please take care of the guests." I tell Raj and start to walk off wondering for how long I can truly call Mehra Mansion as my home.


I stop in shock hearing Pragya's voice. I turn around to find her running towards me. Seriously, I couldn't sit through another shit from another Arora.

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