Chapter 19 - Court

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I love it when you don't take no

May 28, 2014

*Isabella's POV*

Today was my mum's hearing. Today we would see how long she would be in jail. I was so excited. I was going with Michael and we were taking Hallie with us. Also, my dad was in custody and his hearing was going to be right after my mum's.

We walked into the courtroom, Michael, Hallie, and me, and we walked to the front. There was a door on the side beside the judge, and it opened. There was my mum and two policemen. They brought her over to the other table, on the opposite side of the courtroom of us. (A/N: I'm not exactly sure of how these go, so just follow along) The judges asked Michael to say what he had experienced.

Michael stood up, and he said, "Well, I was coming home from tour. I was so excited to see my beautiful girlfriend and my little girl, so when I got home, I heard a voice in the nursery and I thought it was Isabella. When I got up to the nursery, I saw Helen right above the crib with a gun pointed at Hallie. I told her to stop, so she pointed the gun at my chest and shot. I moved, and it missed me. I pulled a gun out that we kept in one of the higher drawers of her dresser, just in case something like this happened. I wasn't going to shoot her, but I pointed at her, telling her not to shoot me. She aimed at my chest once more and shot. I moved, but not quick enough. She hit my lower arm, and that is why I have a cast. Then, I heard the door close; it was Bella getting back from the spa. I'll let her tell the rest". He sat down.

"Thank you, Michael. Now, Isabella, what is your story?" The judge said.

"Well, your honor, as Michael said, I got home from the spa. My mum came running downstairs and acted sweet. She asked me how my day was, but I heard Michael yelling about his arm hurting, and Hallie screaming her lungs out. She tried to keep me from going upstairs, but I did anyway. There, I saw Michael on the floor with a bloody arm, and a bloody hand from holding his arm. Hallie was also in her crib, and like I said, she was screaming her head off. I patched Michael's arm up with gauze, then we decided to take Hallie to Michael's parents' house down the street. So, we did, and when we got back, my mum was going crazy. She shot at my head, just missing me, then she tried to shoot me in the chest, but I ran away. We ran into the nursery, locked the door, and climbed out the window. We climbed down the side of the house, ran around to the front of the house, and that is when we saw the police coming"

"Thank you for that, Isabella. Let's see about what Hallie thinks. Isabella, I would like for you to walk over to your mother, and try to hand Hallie to her. We'll see what happens" The judge told me.

"Okay" I was holding Hallie on my lap, so I just got up, and walked to my bitch of a mother. I tried to hand Hallie to her, and Hallie started screaming an ear-splitting scream. It was more like a screech. She was terrified of my mother. I was glad. The judge totally knew that it was my mum now. She said loudly, "okay, that's good", so I took Hallie back to my seat with me. She wasn't screaming anymore, thank god.

The judge told us that there would be about a thirty-minute break while she made her decision. I just held Michael's hand and we prayed. We prayed that my mum would go into prison for a long time.


When the break was over, the judge was ready to say her decision. Everyone was looking at her. I just kept saying over and over in my head, "please be a long time, please be a long time..."

Then, she spoke, "Helen Williams, I sentence you to 50 years in prison without parole".

I was so relieved. My mum would be in prison for 50 years. I was so glad that my family was safe now.

"50 years, babe.. Fifty..." Michael whispered in my ear as I hugged him.

"Yeah" I said back. I was so happy.

Michael kissed Hallie's forehead, and told me he was glad that we were safe too. But there was still my dad. He needed to be in prison so he couldn't harm Michael or Hallie or even try to harm me (Michael would kick his ass if he tried to hurt me or Hallie though).


It was now after the break during my dad's hearing. Michael told them about talking to him on the phone and how he sounded guilty. The judge was quiet for a minute before she spoke.

"John Williams, you have pleaded guilty to knowing about and helping plan the murder of Michael and Hallie Clifford that was attempted. I sentence you to 43 years in prison!!" She said.

I was relieved once again. There would be 43 years without either of my parents, then seven more years without my mum. I could hardly contain my joy.

"We're safe, princess. We're safe" Michael whispered to me as he cried onto my shoulder, "I'm so happy"

I loved how Michael protects Hallie and me. I loved it so much.

"Same here.." I said, "I love you, Mikey"

"I love you too"


Hope you guys like this chapter!!

-Lizzie xx

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