Chapter 14 - Hallie's Here

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Baby be the life of the party, yeah

The doctors told me to push so I did. It hurt a lot, but Hallie was coming so quick that the doctor told me he could see her head after one push. I pushed twice more, and they told me her head was out.

"Good job, babe, you can do it" Michael encouraged, "we'll be able to meet our daughter soon!"

I pushed once more, and I heard cries. My head fell back onto the bed, and the doctor asked Michael if he wanted to cut the cord. Michael said yes, then took the scissors, cut the cord, and Hallie was placed on a blanket on my stomach. She was beautiful. I picked her up, and she was still crying. I handed her to Michael for a minute before they took her away to weigh her, measure her, and clean her off. I was exhausted. Who knew that giving birth took away all your energy? Well, pretty much every woman with a child knows that.

The nurse brought Hallie back after a few minutes, and placed her in Michael's arms. The nurse told us she weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 19 inches long. Michael looked down at her and said, "Bella.. this is what we created.. and she's beautiful."

"Well, she does look like you.." I said because it was true.

"Yeah.. But she looks like you too. That's where she gets her actual beauty"

"Michael, I think it's the other way around"

"Well, I'm not a girl-"

"I think I know that.."

"Bella, let me finish. I'm not a girl, I'm a guy, and I'm not beautiful"

"You're handsome. And hot" I smirked.

"Thanks princess" he pecked my lips then handed Hallie to me.

A few minutes later, Ashton, Calum, and Luke walked in. They walked over to where we were in the room, and asked to hold Hallie. They all complimented her on how beautiful or pretty she was. They congratulated us, then handed her back to Michael. Karen walked in, asking to see her granddaughter. She held her, and again, told us how beautiful she was. She handed her back to Michael who started talking to her. I heard the door close once more, and looked over. It was my mum and dad.

"Mum? Dad?" I asked.

"Hello Isabella..." My mum said.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Williams" Michael said hi to them.

"Don't talk to us.. We are still mad at you guys" my mum said to Michael.

"Then why are you here?" I asked.

"I saw your car speed past our house in the direction of the hospital, and we decided that we would at least come and see our granddaughter" my dad said.

"Well, you're not touching Hallie..." Michael got protective. He brought Hallie close to his chest.

"Oh.. Hallie? That's her name?" My mum asked.

"Yeah.. Now leave. I already said that you're not touching her"

"Well Isabella hasn't said anything yet"

"If you have the power to kick me out of your house, I'll kick you out of my room. Go away. Don't you dare touch my baby" I told her.

"Yeah.. You're not touching either one of my princesses.." Michael defended. He got close to me and brought Hallie closer to his chest.

My mum walked over and reached towards Hallie. Hallie started almost screaming. She knew something wasn't right. Michael handed her to me, then stood up and looked down at my Mum.

"What the fuck? You're such a bitch!!" He yelled at her. I didn't care that he was swearing around Hallie. She couldn't understand yet, but he still shouldn't say that in front of our daughter. He has a good reason to, though.

"Michael Gordon Clifford!! Your daughter is right there!!" Karen scolded.

"Mum, it's fine.. She can't understand me yet" he said, then continued yelling at my mum.

"You better leave right now, or I'll make you leave" he threatened.

"fine.. Make me leave" she challenged.

I turned Hallie's head the other way, and Michael punched my mum in the face. She fell unconscious, and my dad picked her up, said sarcastically, "Have a great life, Isabella..", then left. Michael walked over to me and took Hallie from me. He was so protective and such a good dad already. I was so happy with having a little family now.


Aww so cute!! But so rude of her parents >:(

You could probably tell, but there are some pictures of Hallie on the side or up top :)

-Lizzie xx

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