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"We are, we are
We are made from broken parts"

Aunt Abbi barely noticed the strain in the relationship between my mom and I. Not that I could actually blame her. It is her wedding day, after all.

Actually, I think it was only I who felt the tension. Mom was good at hiding her emotions.

I was tired the whole day. Why wouldn't I be? I had gone to sleep at one in the morning only to be woken up at 5 AM by my very excited aunt. Apparently, all I had the energy to do was listen to music on my mp3 player, and it had been playing Hollywood Undead since I pressed play.

"Skylar, don't you want to join the games?" my grandmother asked. Well, at least she noticed I had been sulking in the corner.

It's the reception now, meaning Aunt Abbi was moving out of her old apartment tonight and moving in with her husband. Meaning: I'm left with my mother in that tiny apartment.

Well, that's gonna be an awkward week ahead of us.

"I think I'll just take a walk around," I told my grandmother. She frowned but let me go anyway.

I made it to the hotel room that we had rented for the night, quickly changing out of the restricting pink dress I had been forced to wear. I slipped on my extra clothes that I had to bring: a pair of skinny jeans and a simple Mayday Parade band shirt.

I won't be heading back to the hotel room seeing as I would be roommates with my mother again. I wasn't ready to face her, not yet.

I made sure I had everything I needed -- pepper spray, some money, my mp3 and earphones -- before heading out. It was a chilly night and there were still people out. I didn't know what time it was exactly, but I was guessing sometime close to eleven. It wasn't difficult to find a cab, and I rode all the way to the familiar little coffee shop.

I just liked it there for some reason.

Except when I hopped out if the cab, I hadn't realized the place was closed for the night. I usually came in during the daylight hours, leaving before the sun goes down. I had never stayed to find out the closing hours.

Although, obviously coffee shops aren't open 24/7.

Still, it seemed like a nice night. There was no place to go other than to my aunt's apartment. I plugged in my earphones, putting the music player on shuffle. If I had brought my phone I would have been playing my Late Nights playlist, which is pretty much a bunch of The Neighbourhood, Arctic Monkeys, and other indie artists.

The walk to my aunt's apartment wasn't too long. What I hadn't anticipated was the gates of the building to be locked. Fuck.

I had been able to get in late before, so why was it locked now? Looking around for the doorbell was a difficult task with very limited light. I gave up sooner than I was determined to go on and let out a frustrated groan. The other residents of the building were probably already asleep. I'd hate to be the one to disturb their sweet dreams.

With nothing else to do, I planted my ass onto the cold hard ground. It was uncomfortable, my back resting on the metal bars of the gate. Soon, the lyrics of the song playing were slurred and I was drifting off.

That annoying presence of an insect flying around my head was what woke me up the next morning. At least, that was what I thought it was. Turns out it was just an annoying Thai kpop idol poking my face.

"What the fuck, BamBam?" I muttered, waving his hand away.

I blinked, shaking off the sleep, and saw his grinning face right there less than a foot away.

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