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i don't know if you enjoyed reading as much as i enjoyed writing but i'm hoping you did.

this was only a short story but it isn't the end of skye and bambam's story. in fact, it's only the beginning. i wasn't planning on it at first but i realized this ending wasn't enough, at least not for me.

so, i'm making a sequel/spin-off...

It's called Abience and it will be set maybe two years after the events of Genre.

I'm also making an AU of Abience. The title is I Like You.


I hope you guys also read it!

Thank you for reading Genre, for supporting the story and voting and everything. 감사합니다 (mianhae if i got that wrong... still working on my hangul...)

Also, I might come back to this story and do some editing. If there are things I should change or grammar errors or typos or missing words, kindly point them out. I'm a weirdo who likes correct grammar and minimal errors but that doesn't mean I don't make mistakes or I don't become too lazy to fix them.

xoxo Tricia

Update (150627): I changed the title of Quandary to Abience

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