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I grew bored just sitting at the table as my mom and my aunt chatted. It had been maybe thirty minutes that I had been in the same position, which really sucks.

My mp3 player's battery finally drained and I was left to pretend that I was still listening to music so I could avoid getting in on their sister-bonding moment.

"Skye, honey, are you alright?" mom asked all of a sudden.

"Huh? Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, confused.

"You're making faces," mom stated bluntly. Well, at least now I know I can't hide my boredom.

"I'm just bored," I said truthfully. I shrugged and looked out the window. It seemed like a great idea to go around the city or something. I'm not a great fan of sight-seeing and all but I wanted to do something other than fall asleep and drool on the table. "Do you think I can walk around?"

Mom looked to my aunt. She didn't say anything but I knew she was worried about letting me out on my own in a city I wasn't familiar with.

Aunt Abbi shrugged. "It's safe enough to walk around alone," she said. "We'll probably be here for a while, but don't go too far." She took out a piece of paper and a pen out of her bag. "If you get lost, this is my address. Go to the apartment -- the spare key is under the potted plant -- and use the house phone to call me so we know you got home safe. This is my number." She handed me the piece of paper and I tucked it into my back pocket. She also gave me some money for a cab and for anything else I wanted to buy.

I muttered a "See ya later," then headed out the cafe. I took a left from the exit and let my feet take me where they wanted me to go. I had no exact destination in mind and I had briefly considered going back to the apartment but decided not to. If I was staying here for two weeks then I might as well find a place I could go to when I want some time away, my own special place.

Nothing really caught my attention, but that was probably most of the signs were in Korean. They might have had English translations printed on the sign but I didn't see them. Not that I was looking anyway.

I heard a faint squeal as I walked though I didn't pay much attention to it. It didn't sound scared, more like a bunch of fangirls when their objects of obsession does something fangirl worthy.

I was about to round the corner of the building to my right when suddenly someone running from that direction bumped into me. The impact almost made me fall ony ass but then a split second before I could, I was being pushed up against the wall of the building.

Holy shit. No. This is not happening.

I was frozen as the boy's face was only inches from mine. I could feel him breathing against me, his breath warm on my face. He wore dark shades and I could see my frightened expression.

His face moved closer to mine and I closed my eyes, trying to control my breathing.

Panic was rising up in my chest and I couldn't move. There was the sound of footsteps coming closer and I wasn't sure if I should be relieved or not.

There was a sound of disgust, a string of Korean words I didn't understand then footsteps leaving.

The boy muttered something in my ear, causing my panic to rise even more. Finally, I found the sense to start struggling and I pushed him off.

"What the hell?!" I shot him a glare and I wished looks could kill.

"Sorry. Do you not understand Korean?" he asked.

Was this guy for real?

"Obviously not, stupid," I muttered.

"Mianhae, sorry. I said 'thank you' for helping me with the saesang fans."

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