Part 3

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Professor Snape took us to our house, which was just gorgeous honestly. The entrance, the fireplace, that really comfy looking soft couches... "This is the common room. It's where we can socialize, and just be together." said this blonde, short girl. "Alright, that works." I replied. "I'm Ella by the way, nice to meet you Aurora!" she said while looking really excited. "Thanks, same goes to you too." I said. At first, when I first stepped in the common room, I found it cool and cute. But now that I know it's for us to "socialize" I find it pathetic and just not for me to be honest. I stared at the fireplace and while I was just observing the rest of the big room, I felt people staring at me. Like I couldn't bear it was too strong. I stared back and lifted my eyebrow. I wasn't looking for a fight in my first day, so I knocked it off and headed to my dorm room.

           I wasn't informed that I would be sharing a room with someone, so you could say it was a big surprise when I walked into a girl unpacking her stuff. She gave me a bitch look and continued. Which really angered me because not only that hoe was in my room, but also she was making me angry. "So Riddle huh?" She said. "Yeah, correct." I replied. "I am Pansy Parkinson." she said while having the fakest smile ever on her uglyass face. I didn't feel like replying, therefore I also started unpacking.

        After a few hours, we went back to the room where they assigned me to my house to eat dinner. I never really had a boyfriends before because I never liked affection. Not only that, but also because I never had feelings towards a guy. I thought I was a lesbian a few months ago, but now I'm just confused. As I was eating and thinking, that same girl from earlier came in. Hermionie.

          She had such a pretty name. And as much as I hate to admit, I wanted to get to know her. They walked past the griffindor table, which was odd because I thought that was their house. Then, I realized that they were walking right to my direction. I panicked and looked down to my food. Hermonie, Potter, and that ginger kid sat in front of me. "May I help you?" I asked. "Yeah actually, my nam-" He got interrupted by malfoy. "How do a mudblood and these two idiots dare to sit here!" he yelled. Hermionie turned to Potter, " I knew this was a bad idea." She started to get up. That was when I got furious. I looked malfoy dead in the eye and said "Shut the fuck up." while smirking. I could hear the ginger boy trying to hold in his laugh. Malfoy looked back at this food and mumbled, "My father will hear about this." Which I respond " Go ahead." "Sorry about this absolute dick, what were you saying?" I turned to Potter. "Right, so my name is Harry Potter as you probably know who I am." That last few words made me angry. I wanted to humble him so bad, yet he was right. I knew exactly who he was. " Continue" I say. " This is Hermionie Granger and Ron Weasley. I had a word with Dumbledore, he told me you were here to help." "Correct." I say. "Okay that's great and all, but why?" she asks. I respond "Revenge." while smirking. "There's no way I'm talking about this here. So meet me in my dorm room if you wish to learn more." They all nod, and go back to their own table.

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