Part 5

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Open for criticism :)!!!

      The next morning, I got up, and put on my uniform. It was mainly green due to my house being slitherin. I combed my long wavy brunette hair and put on some makeup. I kept it lowkey because it was school. Around 7.25, I stormed down to cafeteria, and ate some breakfast. I saw Potter and his friends, Ron. I couldn't see hermionie at first, but then I realized she was just coming in. She had put her hair half up in a bun and half down, She looked really pretty. I didn't realize i started smiling until Malfoy thought I was smiling at him, and started bragging. " I honestly don't blame you, Aurora. Every girl in Hogw-" I slammed my fist on the table in anger and said " I would rather shove my head in a mixer than date you, Malfoy." "Whatever." he replied, but you could tell he was hurt.

           I got up and headed to potions. I was just on time. I sat down and Professor Snape started talking. "If you open page 293 on your books, you should see the amortenia recipe. I will pair you into groups so that you can work better" he said. He paired me with Malfoy THE ABSOLUTE worst person that could ever be. I looked to my left to see Harry and Hermionie paired. I'm not sure why, but I had this feeling in my stomach. Like I was going to puke fire. Was I......jealous? No. I can't be, that's impossible.

               Malfoy was of course late. He came in 8 minutes late and started to do the potion with me. He asked me a couple of times about which potion we were making, but I was already angry because he was late, and a little because Hermionie seemed to enjoy herself with Potter, so I didn't answer his questions and just told him what ingredients he needed to pass me. After finishing the potion, we had to wrote down what we smelt, which if you ask me os quite inappropriate, but I didn't care enough to make a big deal out of it. I asked malfoy what he smelt so I could wrote it down. He smelt the potion a few times, and said " That's weird." " O h my god, what is?" I ask annoyed. " It smells just like your perfume, did we put anything wrong or something?" he asks. That's were I let out a huge, fake, dramatic gasp. " That's amortenia." "Does little dray deay have a crush on me?" I say kind of making fun of him. "No, obviously not that's gross. There has to be a mistake." "Whatever" I say smelling the potion. I smelt a sweet perfume and nail polish. "Nothing." I say to Malfoy. That whore Parksin asks " How come you smell nothing?". "Affection is weak, so I don't do it." I respond.

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