Chapter 3: The Aether Realm

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     Flashbacks are written in italics.
     Present day is in print.

     A storm was brewing, the biggest in a century. A tall black horse ran through the storm, fighting its way through it. Atop the horse rode a rider covered in all black, his cloak covering his head from the weather.
    He hunched his back, making his horse ride faster through the rain and the storm until he finally reached his destination.
     The castle loomed up ahead. The figure jumped from his horse and moved forward, removing his hood, revealing that it was the king.
     Ryker wiped the rainwater from his dark head and beard, handing the horse off to a servant before rushing forward into the palace and down the halls.
    Finally, he skidded to a stop at the entrance to a room. Throwing open the door, he rushed inside to find his wife in the midst of labor. Kneeling beside her, he took her hand and helped guide her through it.
    And with that, the Avatar was born.
                           * * * * *
    "So what's it like?" Katara asked, snapping Rose out of a daydream.
    "What?" She asked in surprise.
    "The Aether Realm."
    "It's...difficult to describe honestly."
    "Do you get to see a lot of spirits?"
    Rose shook her head. "There's two Aether realms. There's the Spirit Realm where all the spirits live but it's a closed off place. Difficult to get to. Some aetherbending masters can but I haven't mastered aetherbending yet which is why we're going to the second type. And that is the Aether Realm, a place for aetherbenders and other types of mystics to live in peace.
     "You'll honestly love it there." She continued. "Aang will finally get to meet my family."
     "But it's been 100 years." Katara reminded.
    "That's ok. Aetherbenders can live up to 1000 years."
    "I can't wait to meet them!" Aang called, excitedly.
    "Or they you I'm sure. Also, my sister by marriage is a waterbender, Katara."
     "She is? She could teach me!"
     "A few things, yes." Rose continued, "And there's something for you too, Sokka. My family are renowned warriors. I'm sure you'll have a lot to talk about."
     "Well I don't mind sharing some stories." Sokka said, flexing his muscles.
     Rose laughed before her expression  became serious again. "We're nearly there. Follow my lead."
     Crystal flew low over the valley and, at the last minute, dove towards the ground, spinning in circles. Rose leapt off her back, turning in midair before landing gracefully on her feet.
     The group weren't sure where she had landed but followed her example, landing Appa awkwardly beside Rose. Crystal shrunk in size until she was small enough to perch onto Rose's shoulder once more. That's when Aang, Katara, and Sokka jumped off Appa and landed beside Rose.
     Finally, they got a good look around. They were in a courtyard of some sort. Flowers and flowery bushes surrounded them on all sides with fountains throughout.
     As they started through the courtyard, a group of guards appeared out of nowhere and the group prepared themselves to fight. That's when a loud voice shouted in another language and the guards paused.
    A grin spread over Rose's face as a familiar woman stepped into view. Her long blond/brown hair waved in the wind and she looked over at the group with pretty blue eyes.
    Rose rushed forward. "Sis!" She threw her arms around the woman in excitement as the woman did the same in turn.
    "Everyone, this is my sister by marriage, Caitlyn."
    "Call me Catie." She chimed in, a sweet smile on her face.
    "Sis, these are my friends." Rose said, gesturing to each in turn. "This is Katara and Sokka." She turned her attention to her sister again. "Katara is a waterbender too and she would like to learn some things from you."
     Catie smiled. "Of course. I'd be more than happy to teach your friend what I know." She wrapped her arms around Katara and Sokka, hugging them sweetly.
     "And this is my Guardian, Aang." Rose added, stepping beside her honorary little brother.
     Catie stepped forward and hugged him too, declaring, "I'm so excited to meet you! Rose has told us so much about you in her letters!" She paused, a frown covering her face. "Well...before she disappeared." She turned her attention to Rose. "What happened?"
     "It's a long story and I only want to tell it once."
     Catie smile returned with a vengeance. "Well let's go find our family so we can tell them the good news!"
     The group then rushed off to find them.
                           * * * * *
     Rose had so many happy memories to think of over the coming years.
    Those ones with her father were as sweet as anyone could imagine, with her trailing after her father, sitting on his lap as he dealt with business, and begging him to spend his days with her as she grew up.
    As for her mother, the queen spent as much time with her as possible too. Oftentimes, she'd be seen dressing up her darling daughter or, as Rose grew older, giving her the sweetest of motherly advice. Ophelia was not at all pleased when the news came of Rose being the Avatar. To her, it was too dangerous, not a job for a proper young lady.
     Then there was Rose's older brothers who were certainly overprotective of her. Will was often referred to as the royal's golden boy, the crown prince destined to take the throne. He was the strong one, the brave one, and the only one of the children who wasn't an aetherbender but instead, focused on fighting.
     Jasper was the dark prince, the mysterious one who never seemed to take a wife for himself even though he had his pick of them all. He, even more so, was overprotective of his younger sister, not only because she was the only woman in his life he loved (along with his mother) but because they were closer in age and shared more interests.
    Then the day came when Rose found out her destiny. And everything changed...
                            * * * * *
     About an hour later, the group was sitting at a long dining table, with the king and queen at their respective ends of the table. Rose's brothers and sister-in-law sat near the end by the king while Rose and her friends sat by the queen.
     As they ate, Rose told her family her story, everything from the moment she left them until the moment her and her friends arrived. She left out only a few things such as running away from the monks and her flirting with the Fire Nation prince.
     "But now the Fire Nation has their eyes on you! I told you this was too dangerous!" The queen shouted out of the blue as she stood up suddenly from her seat.
     "Lia!" The king called. "It is not for us to impede on our daughter's destiny."
     The queen huffed as she sat back down.
     After the interruption, the table broke out in multiple other conversations, Will, Ryker, and Sokka chatting while Katara and Catie talked. Rose and Aang chatted with Jasper as the queen quietly stewed.
                          * * * * *
     Rose checked her reflection in her mirror, making sure she looked perfect for tonight. Tonight was to be a special celebration that occurred once every hundred years, a special occasion where the spirits left the Spirit Realm and came to the Aether Realm to celebrate, and everything had to be perfect.
     Finally deciding that she looked good enough for the banquet, she swept out her room, long white dress and gold cape flowing behind her.
     The party was already underway by the time she arrived. It was a fancy affair, consisting of a special feast and light entertainment. The spirit ancestors were already mingling with the guests, enjoying food and gifts that had been prepared for them.
     Rose lost herself in the celebration, chatting with family long gone. Just before the party was to end, the council approached the high table where the royal family was entertaining their spirit guests.
     When they approached, King Ryker stood and asked of them, "Council, what brings you to us in the middle of a glorious celebration?"
     The council was a group of mystics, clairvoyants, and magic users that kept peace in the Aether Realm and helped the royals lead. However, they were a people who rarely talked with the inhabitants. For them to do so meant that big news was coming.
     "Our apologies, sire." Said the leader, a tall man with flowing white hair and a long beard, dressed all in robes, that was a powerful sorcerer. "But we have come to reveal the identity of the Avatar." Suddenly, the old man pointed a finger....straight at Rose. "Princess Rosalia, Avatar Rose, it is an honor."
     The council then knelt before the bewildered 15 year old princess, leaving the entire kingdom to process what just happened.
                             * * * * *
     Despite the rocky start, the next couple of weeks went well for the small  group. While Rose continued her aetherbending training, Sokka learned how to fight, courtesy of Will and Jasper, and Katara learned a bit about waterbending.
     It wasn't long before Rose understood why her powers had been all out of whack before. She had been out of the game for 100 years and some of the skill was lost, especially after being on ice for so long.
    However, she quickly blew past her basic training until all that was left was the advanced training. Her teachers told her that she needn't concern herself with learning the more advanced training, such as going into the Spirit Realm and teleporting through the realms, since she likely wouldn't need the training and it would take too long.
    Already, they'd spent a lot of time in the Aether Realm and still the war with the Fire Nation was continuing all around them. They needed to go back to the other realms so Rose could finally fulfill her destiny...

Omg this chapter took way too freaking long! Next one should be easier though we'll see!

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