Chapter 31

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As Shouta and Yamada were dodging Endeavor’s punches, some of the cops with combat quirks attempted to help with the fight. Electricity, water and Yamada’s sound waves were all over the place, surrounding Endeavor, as well as some bouncing off in places, Shouta was trying to decide where to attack next, but he didn’t see Endeavors oncoming attack on him.
    Endeavor was attacking Shouta, a flame punch to his side, but he dodged it at the last second, and he threw a punch at his head, wanting more and more to do more damage to him than he did on Yuki. Shouta was super angry but he also wanted to be with Yuki when she left in the ambulance, to make her feel better. He felt he was better off fighting against Endeavor, with his rage he was feeling towards the elder man. Endeavor was throwing punch after punch at Shouta and Present Mic, and the others. It seemed  like Endeavor was pissed that someone interrupted his plans with Yuki.
    “So how did you find us? It’s a ways out from the city and I made sure everyone was quiet about it. So who blabbed,” Endeavor asked, as he was sending some fire towards Present Mic, who dodged it well.
    “No one blabbed, but Yuki had her phone on her when she got abducted so next time make sure the next victim doesn't have a cell phone, that’s still some amature moves,” Shouta said as he turned his quirk on so they could attempt to subdue him. “Now!” Shouta yelled as he wrapped his captured weapon around Endeavor and some of his lackies,  the few that were with Endeavor.
    “Now, Endeavor, were you expecting this to go longer? Or did you remember who you’re up against,” Shouta chuckled as he walked closer to the flame hero.
    “Shut up Eraser,” Enji pouted, even if it was a little pout, as he tried to move more to try to escape Shouta’s capture weapon.
    “Don’t even try Endeavor. I have complete control over my weapon, it’s even flame resistant. It’s a new feature, just for you,” Shouta said smugly.
    “Hey Eraser, I thought you wanted to have this go on for longer, ya dig?” Yamada asked Shouta, knowing he wanted to inflict some more damage onto him.
    “I did, but I’m more worried about Yuki,” Shouta sighed out, as he watched the cops arrest Enji Todoroki. “Let’s get out of here, and go see her.”
    “Sure, let’s go back to the car, I’ll drive it around,” Yamada said as he walked around to the small loaner they got just to drive out without the police escort, knowing they would need a ride back to the campus, or hospital.

Yuki's Point of View

"Missus Fujita, it looks like you have an infection, as well as of course with your state, it looks like you're malnourished. Some of those side effects might affect your everyday life, which can include anxiety, lack of hunger and you you'll get colder easily and if you don't heal as well as before, that's also a side effect," one of the nurses informed Yuki, as well as Nemuri.
      "What type of infection, if I don't mind asking?"
     "may notice that you get colder easier.”
“Anything we should keep a lookout for,” Yuki asked, as she was trying to process what she was telling her.
“Not that I can see,” the nurse said as she looked at Yuki’s chart, “But if you do, please don’t hesitate to call us. In the meantime, here’s a prescription for the infection. It’s for 4 days, and drink plenty of water as well.” As the nurse left, Nemuri took the slip of paper and looked up what medicine they prescribed.

After Yuki got discharged, Shouta arrived and was looking for both girls. He was a mess, but he found them as soon as Nemuri called out to him, while Yuki was lost in thought.
“Kitten, what did they say?”
“Oh, I have an infection, and malnourished, and if I don’t get better soon, or have any issues, to either come back or to call them,” Yuki said as Shouta hugged her tightly. He felt how cold and boney she was now, not wanting to dwell on her state, he wanted to take her home, and make her feel better.
“Sho, the nurse also warned me that she might have some difficulties adjusting back to her normal life,” Nemuri whispered as she pulled him back away from Yuki a way, so she wouldn’t worry the pink haired woman. “We might have to keep a close eye on her, she can get cold easier and moody now, so just be careful.”
“Thanks Nemuri, I will. I just wish this didn’t happen,” Shouta sighed out, as he rubbed his chin. “Kitten, do you want to go home or do you want to go somewhere?”
“I’m not sure, but I do want to try and eat something,” Yuki said, she was super hungry, but nothing sounded good, but she wanted to make Shouta and Nemuri feel better, she knew what they were talking about as well as her nurse. She wanted to get back to her normal happy self, but she also wanted to just go home and stay in bed, like she was still in that small room Endeavor had her in. She had grown accustomed to the small room, and that small pathetic bed she was always in. Yuki just wanted to crawl in her bed and cry.
“Sure kitten, do you want us to pick or do you?” Shouta was letting her decide, if she wants to go out, or just have something made at home.

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