Chapter 10

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After Shouta and Nemuri left, after Yuki calmed down, she made some tea, and tried to relax on her tiny couch. She tried to make any sense of the dream she had. After a few hours of confusing thoughts, the only thing was, her conflicting feelings for the sleep deprived man known as Shouta Aizawa. Sure, she just met the man a few days ago, and she didn't know much about him, but she felt something that connected with her. From what Nemuri said, that he also liked cats, and to his laid back style, it was comforting to Yuki, something that she never felt with anyone before. It was like she could be only herself with him, like she didn't have to put a mask on, even if she didn't really have to. After a few hours on her couch, she got up and got ready to meet Eri and help her, whether to work through her trauma or distract her and make her feel again, teach her emotions again, the proper way.

"Good morning sweetie," Yuki said to the small child.

"Good morning, are you going to be my teacher," Eri asked Yuki sweetly.

"Yes, my name is Yukina Fujita, but you can call me Fujita-chan," she said as she smiled at her.

"My name is Eri," she said bowing slightly. As the two girls walked to an empty classroom, Yuki got a small worksheet out, a basic worksheet just to see what she knows. As Eri started, it wasn't much, but Yuki helped her as she needed. Eri had a few basic things down, but she needed some help with much, she was a smart girl, despite what happened. She even had some of the more advanced questions answered, they were a little off, but Eri still tried to attempt them. Yuki, despite not teaching her anything yet, was proud of the young girl.

"Eri, I'm so proud of you, not many seven year olds know this stuff yet," she gushed over her as she looked over the worksheet. "This is mostly second or third grade material," she beamed at the girl.

"Realy," Eri stuttered, not sure what to make of all of this.

"Yes, and it's really good, honest," Yuki said as she looked over her paper again.

"Mr. Aizawa taught me some stuff," she said looking down.

"Either way, you're smart, and it looks like we can do a bit more teaching, or we can do a more artistic approach," Yuki asked her.

"I like to draw and color," Eri said as she looked up at Yuki, smiling a bit.

"I can get some drawing paper, and some crayons, markers or colored pencils," Yuki offered.

"I like colored pencils," she said in a soft voice, "When I wasn't under the experiments," she tried to finish.

"Hey, you don't have to relive all that anymore, you're surrounded by people who will care for you, I hope to help you in whatever way you need me to," Yuki started, before Eri had to relive all her past, and her treatment by the corrupt man. "You can come to me, Aizawa, or anyone else if you need it sweetie," she said, before offering her a hug.

"Are you sure," she asked, hesitantly hugging Yuki.

"Of course Eri, you sweet girl," she said as she hugged her tighter, and started to tear up.

"Thank you Fujita-chan," she said smiling softly.

"You're welcome sweetheart, it's almost lunch, do you want me to come with you or do you want something made," Yuki offered her.

"Can I have a candy apple," Eri asked.

"I don't have any on hand, but I can try to make some if you want," Yuki said as she wrote down candy apples for Eri.

"Yes please, Mr. Deku made me some when I went to see the school's festival, and it was very good," she recalled Izuku making her some apples.

"Mr. Deku," Yuki asked, puzzled.

"He's one of the heroes that reduced me."

"Oh, that's amazing, do you want to tell me more," Yuki asked her, interested in her rescue.

"Mr. Deku and Mr. Mirio both helped with Mr. Aizawa rescued me, they also showed me around UA during the festival," Eri started, remembering how much fun the festival was. "Mr. Aizawa's also helped, he's amazing, he's also been taking care of me," she said as she looked at Yuki. "I love your hair, it's so pretty," she said, getting off topic, Yuki thought it was getting to difficult for the young girl to process.

"Thank you," she said smiling at the girl.

"You're welcome."

"Now, what do you want to eat for lunch, go to the cafeteria or have some home cooking," Yuki asked her. Giving her some time to think, Yuki offered her hand to walk her to the cafeteria, and to learn more about Eri, she turned on her quirk, wanting to see how she was feeling. Yuki felt content, and a slight disconnect, Yuki figured it was from her trauma. After the first day, Eri felt like she met an older sister in Yuki, making her smile. Yuki wanted to protect the young girl.

"Oh, before I forget," Yuki started, "I wanted to give you my cell number, in case of anything you need," Yuki said as she gave her a slip of paper.

"Thank you," Eri said as she put the slip into her pocket.

"Do you need a backpack, or a bag," Yuki asked as she saw Eri carry all her supplies with her.

"I think I can get all of this," she started, with some of her books falling.

"I don't think so," Yuki said as she got her fallen books, "How about I take you out, and get some school supplies, and a pretty bag," Yuki offered her.

"If you don't mind," Eri said as she looked at her.

"Of course I don't mind, I could even take you out to eat," she said.

"Sure, that sounds wonderful," she responded, smiling at the elder woman.

"Then let's put all this up, and we can head out, do you mind if I call and ask someone if they want to come as well, I'm still new in town," Yuki asked as she looked at the girl.

"Sure, are you going to ask Mr. Aizawa," she asked as she beamed up at her.

"I can if you want him to come with us."

"Yes please," she said smiling at the thought of her more father-type figure to come along with them.

"Sure, let me call him, and let's hope he isn't busy with anything else," Yuki said as she got her phone out and started to call Shouta.

"Shouta Aizawa," Yuki heard his familiar voice answer the other end of the call.

"Hey Shouta, I was calling to see if you wanted to come with Eri and me to town, we were wondering if you wanted to come with us," Yuki started, hoping the man was available.

"What do you two need in town," he started to ask, "Sure, let me finish this one thing, and I'll meet you in front," he said as he sighed, deciding to spend more time with Yuki. His mind has been on her all day, ever since her nightmare, he was concerned about her, he tried telling himself that.

"Thank you Sho," Yuki said smiling as she let him finish up what he was doing. "Alrighty, Mr. Aizawa is coming with us, and he's going to meet us up in the front," Yuki said smiling.

"Yay," Eri said excitedly to see Aizawa.

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