Chapter 2

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Kuroo moved his hands to above my head and lowered down to his elbows, causing our faces to become even closer.


 Before I had a chance to react he swiftly placed his lips on mine. It was a sweet yet almost lonely and desperate kiss. It felt as though our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. I kissed him back passionately, resting my arms around his shoulders.

Kuroo POV 

I got a rush of adrenaline for some odd reason as I sat down next to Hinata. I noticed he was staring.

 “What? Am I just that good looking?” I asked in a suggestive tone.
He mumbled something incoherent.
I gave him a small smile and asked, "What was that?”

He looked up at me, a blush spreading across his face. 

“I said, yes...You are good looking…”
I blushed at his response, not expecting him to actually say anything remotely close. He giggled at my expression, causing more blush to spread across my face.
'Why is he so damn cute?! God… I just want to kiss that cute face of his…’

I thought of something I could try, just to make sure my suspicions were correct. I turned quickly and pinned Hinata against the bench. The sudden movement and the close proximity of our faces made him blush. I grinned at the sight of his flustered face, recalling what he had said moments ago. 

“I didn't expect that answer from you~,” I told him, stretching my words. 

"W-well, I-it's true…” He stuttered. 

Admiring his complexion, I pondered something.

"Hmm...I wonder…”

He gave me a skeptical look, "What?”

"How would you react if I did this?” I asked.

I swiftly moved down to my elbows and placed my lips on his, hoping to god he'd return the kiss. At first he didn't seem to know what happened, when he finally did he calmed down a little. This brought my hopes back up a little. A few small moments later, he kissed back and draped his arms around my neck. Soon, the kiss got heated and we broke for air. I smiled lovingly at him, causing him to blush more. He looked me in the eyes and questioned, "Why did you think I wouldn't like you back?”

I gave him a shocked look. 

‘How could he have known?!’ 

“I have no idea what gave you that idea-” I was cut off by two soft hands pulling me down into a kiss.

"The way you entered the kiss, you were gentle and seemed to be worried about something..” He told me as he lifted my head, still holding my cheeks. I smiled sadly at him, he may be called stupid...but he really has a way with emotions.
“Want to go back to everyone else? Continue somewhere else? Or enjoy the setting sun?” I asked him in a curious, yet suggestive voice. He pondered my question for a moment before responding.
“Let's go back to everyone else, we can continue some other time. Is that okay 'surō?” He winked as he used a cute abbreviation of my name. 

“That's fine by me, Shō,” I told him.

We both got up and started heading back, hand in hand. Hinata seemed to become more and more drowsy the closer we got.

"Hey, Shō...want me to carry you?” I asked, slowly coming to a stop.

He let out a weak yawn, a small tear in his eye.

"Yes please...if you don't mind 'surō…” 

“I don't mind, love. Here, get on..” I knelt down so he could get onto my back safely. He crawled up my back and gripped my waist with his legs. To make sure he doesn't fall or slip I lace my fingers together and hold him up by his butt. (Like a seat) He blushed at the contact but seemed to brush it off. He layed his head on my shoulder, then kissed my cheek. I blushed at the touch of his lips.
“Thanks, 'surō” He told me, falling asleep as I smiled at him. 

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