Chapter 4-Short-

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I opened my eyes to see Shō smiling and curling up on my chest. I smiled and caressed his cheek. I rested my arms around him and slowly let the darkness consume me.


3rd Person POV

Kuroo=13 yrs old

Kuroo sat up and looked around.

'Why am I here of all places?' He thought to himself, as he stood up. Kuroo walked down the stairs and saw his parents eating breakfast.
"Morning son." His father said.
"Morning..." He replied, sitting across the table from his father.

"Good morning hunny!" His mother said, smiling at her son.
"Morning mother..." Kuroo said, staring at his food.

They sat in silence and ate their breakfast in peace. Kuroo finished first and took his bowl to the kitchen, but before he could get to his room a voice called his name.
"Tetsurō, I have a question." His father stated bluntly.
Kuroo was scared but turned around to face the one who was known as his father.

"Yes father?" Kuroo asked.
"Who's your girlfriend?" He asked, suggesting he had someone.

"...Father, I-" He tried.

Kuroo's mother was shocked by her husband's sudden outlash, but turned to her son.
"Tetsurō? Are you gay?" She asked, sounding scared and hurt.

"Y-yes mother...I am ga-"
He was cut off my a porceline plate smashing against the wall beside him. Kuroo jolted to the side, watching the glass like pieces fall to the ground beside him.
"I will not allow my son to bring this family dishonor!" Kuroo's father screamed, walking towards his son. Kuroo was hesitant to step back, he chose wisely and stayed put. His father grabbed the collar of his shirt and pinned him against the wall.
"You will marry a woman. You hear me?" His father asked sternly.
"No..I will not marry a woman. I will marry who I WANT!" Kuroo screamed at his father. This act of disobedience infuriated his father.

He threw Kuroo against the stairs and told him, "10 Minutes. Pack you clothes and leave. You are no longer a part of this family."

Kuroo and his mother were scared and upset at the man's actions, but did not disobey. Kuroo quickly ran to his room and packed his clothes. He grabbed the money he had stashed and a few things he knew he'd need. He then called his aunt and told her what had happened. She told him that he could stay there.
He traveled about 8 miles on his bike to his aunt's house. When he got there it was quike peaceful.
~2 years later~
"Damn fag!" The man screamed, as he hit the boy infront of his with a sake bottle.
"Hunny don't!" His aunt pleaded.
Kuroo smiled at his aunt but shook his head at her. Her eyes widdened and she began to tear up. The man turned towards Kuroo's aunt, threatening to hit her with a balled fist. Before he could Kuroo jumped infront of his aunt, gaining a punch to the gut. Kuroo hunched over as the hit damaged his ribs, leaving purple bruises and cracked ribs. Kuroo took the nearest object, a book, and slammed it against the man's head. Once the man was down hee turned to his aunt, his vision began to blur.

All he could hear was his aunt, "Tetsurō! Tetsurō! Tets-" Her voice faded, being replaced by another.

"'Surō! 'Surō!" Hinata whisper yelled.
Hinata was gently shaking his boyfriend, his eyes glossy and tearfilled.
"Shō? W-what happened?"

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