Chapter 11: birthday

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Kyra, March 27th 2020:

"Happy Birthday beautiful", Alexa says to me as she gives me a tight hug. I could almost burst into tears right now... today is my 18th birthday and all I want is my mom to make me her famous banana pancakes, or dad to come into my room with his old ass stereo on his shoulder blasting some cringey rap version of "happy birthday", or to hear my sisters contagious giggle as she watches dad put on his annual birthday performance. Instead I am spending my birthday alone in my room watching Greys Anatomy for the billionth time... at least I have Alexa, well not for long because she's about to go away for the weekend to another extravagant spa with her rich friends.

At around 9pm there's a quiet knock on my door, I instantly get nervous because no one ever comes in my room except Alexa and she's gone already and Jason but he's not suppose to be home till next week. "Come in", I say quietly and then Mary-Anne steps in dressed like she's ready for the fucking red carpet. "We are heading out to a party, don't expect us home until tomorrow. Jason will be back tonight, be ready to do all of his laundry from his trip." Fuck... that's just great. "Okay have a good night." I say trying to give her my fakest smile. "I would've gotten you a cake but I think I did you a favour by saving you from the carbs", she looks at me like I am some repulsive monster as she says those hurtful words then she prances out of the room. Bitch.

Even though I am home alone I have no desire to sneak out tonight... I just want to stay in my dark room and fucking cry, I wish I could just cancel my birthday! This sucks. I want my family back. Around 10pm my phone buzzes.

Chance: Happy birthday angel.

Fuck! Why would he text me? This just gives me another reason to cry. I miss him and hate him so fucking much. I think long and hard about if I should text him back... a part of me wants to just say fuck off but I decide I'm going to make him feel shitty... because well I'm having a bad day and it's my damn birthday!!

Kyra: oh yeah. Such a happy birthday.

I hope he reads my petty, sarcastic tone in the text message, I hope he feels like shit! How dare he text me out of the blue like this even if it is my birthday! Plus how the fuck did he know it was my birthday anyways! I never told him when it was.

Headlights shine through my window and I freeze. Fuck. It's Jason, I can tell by the sound of his expensive ass car. I look down and remember I'm only wearing a long shirt so I run and put on some leggings and a bra under my shirt! I'm not taking any chances.

"Honey I'm home!" Jason says in a sinister voice as he walks in. My blood turns ice cold, fuck I need to get out of here! I look at my phone to see if Chance texted me back but of course he hasn't. As I hear Jason come up the stairs i shoot another quick text to him.

Kyra: I'm scared Chance

Is all I have time to say before my door swings open and Jason is standing in the doorway wearing a suit that is way too big on his tall lanky body and looking drunk as fuck. "Happy birthday sis", he gives me a wicked grin and then charges towards me. "Jason no!" I squeal as he knocks me on the bed. "I flew in a week early to surprise you on your birthday", he whispers in my ear making me cringe. "Get off!" I scream but he just pins me down and grinds his disgusting boner into my pelvis. "I'm going to take my time with you baby girl", he bites down on my neck. Hard. "Ow! Stop Jason please", I cry and beg, I try flailing my body around and getting free from him but he easily overpowers me. He bites down all over my body definitely covering me in marks and then he tries to tear my pants down. "No stop!!!" I cry but he doesn't listen, he just pulls my leggings off of me, he stares between my legs so intently which makes me literally gag. As I notice that he's clearly distracted by my vagina like he's a fucking horny 15 year old, I use that weak moment and kick him square in the nose as hard as I can. "Fuck!!!" He screams grabbing at his nose that is now gushing blood.

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