Chapter 12: scared to feel

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Kyra, March 27th 2020

You will be mine. You will be mine. You will be mine.
This repeats in my head over and over again as I stand here naked while Chance dries me off. I only get sucked out of my thoughts when he kneels down in front of me and starts drying my legs... he puts one of my legs up on his knee so he can dry between my legs... he is purposely brushing his hand over my pussy too; which is making me insane. "Chance", I whisper "hmm?" He looks up at me with a knowing smirk.

Chance stands up and towers over me again, he stares into my eyes with a look that I can't quite figure out... "happy birthday baby", he whispers then he bends down and lays the sweetest but still the sexiest fucking kiss ever on my lips. "It's a lot happier now that you are here", I smirk into his lips mid-kiss. "I was already at Suzys... once I got your text I came as fast as I could", "I knew you'd come for me". I say as I lay my head on his bare, tattooed chest.

I'm sitting on the bed wrapped in a towel while Chance finds me a dry shirt I can borrow. He tells me that he carries a pack everywhere he goes on his bike with extra clothes and shit. He's on the road a lot so he's always prepared. "Here, you can wear this to bed and I got some sweats you can put on for the ride tomorrow".  He murmurs as he stands me up, he pulls the towel off of me and bites his lip as he checks out every single part of my body. "You have no idea how beautiful you are... do you?" He whispers.

I think to my self... no I really don't... Mary Anne has made sure that I don't have any self esteem left, but standing here with this man I really do feel beautiful for the first time in a long time. "I use to be more confident", I whisper staring down at my feet. Chance pulls a big warm black long sleeve over my head that smells just like him. Mmm I am never giving him this back.

"Okay angel you gotta tell me what happened last night. What the fucks goin on?" He asks me sitting down on the bed next to me, putting his large tattooed hand on my bare thigh. Fuck I really don't want to talk to him about this... but I know I have to. He's been trying to help me for a while now but I just haven't been accepting it.

"My foster brother came home early last night..." I begin. He grabs my hand and listens to me tell the story. "He's been telling me for years that I am his... he's been saying that the second I turn 18 that he's going to take my...." I start crying already. "That motherfucker!" Chance hollers, "I wasn't expecting him home so early... I wasn't ready, He shocked me and then he jumped on me..." I continue. "He bit me and kissed me... he... he p-pulled my pants down and he saw between my legs... b-but I kicked him in the face and jumped out the window". I am a complete sobbing mess at this point. Chance scoops me up into his arms and crawls under the blankets. "Has he fucking touched you before?" He asks as he squeezes me so tight it hurts... it's a good hurt though.

"A couple of times... nothing too bad but the night I first met you actually... that was the first night he touched me really touched me inappropriately..." I am so ashamed to tell him all of this but it also feels good to let it out to someone I trust. "I'm going to kill him Kyra".

Chance, March 28th 2020

It's 7:47 am and I haven't slept a wink in over 30 hours, I'm running on pure anger and hatred towards the bastard who tried to steal my woman's innocence.

After Kyra told me what happened I wanted to drill her with questions and then charge to Jason's house and slit his fucking throat, but I am trying to remain calm, at-least for right now. I'm going to let my girl sleep and then I am going to take her back to my home, I want to talk to the club, I know they will want to help me with this one. I need to figure out more about Kyras life... As much as I want to just snap and go fucking psycho on that whole fucked up family I can't just go in blindly... I need to think this through or it could go down bad for the whole club.

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