Chapter 6

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Riley's POV
I opened my phone, I found voice mails from Leonardo, I deleted all. The image of Halsey and Ethan's hug displayed on my head again. What if Ethan was dating Halsey,I thought to myself. Nanny loreal came into my room to know if everything went well at school -but no,nothing went well. I told nanny loreal about Halsey and Ethan.
If Ethan is behaving that way towards you,maybe he has gotten over you,she said.
Try getting over him,Riley, she added. I nodded my head in affirmation.
I will try,I finally said. I decided to tell N'loreal about what happened between me and Leonardo and all he has been doing after that. Nanny loreal sighed,held my hands and looked me straight in the eye.
Riri,about Leonardo, what he did was very bad,but I wouldn't like to interfere in your privacy, she said.
So,the decision is yours,okay? She added and walked out of the room. I laid on my bed.

Ethan's POV
I picked up my phone to call Halsey. Her phone rang but she didn't pick my calls, she is probably busy, I thought. I decided to go and take a shower,after my shower,I already had five missed calls from Halsey. I hurriedly called her back.
Hi Ethan, she said immediately from the other end of the phone.
Hey,I called your number several times,you didn't pick.
What's up,I asked
Um...nothing,you called me, she said.
Yea,I just wanted to check on you, I need to look out for my girlfriend, I said.
Oh...really? I'm flattered,she said.
Alright then,I will see you tomorrow, she added.
Bye,I love you, I said
Love you too,she said softly as she hung up the phone.

Riley's POV
We were going to have a joint class at the school auditorium, it was my class and that of Halsey's. We all trooped into the auditorium, I sat at the back seat cause I wouldn't like to be called upon for any question, two guys came to sit beside me,Hardin and Daniel. Hardin is a charming guy,he has the passion for arts. Daniel is not so bad looking, trust me,there are a lot of good looking guys at Royal Ville.
It was a mathematics class, our mathematics teacher -Mr Bryan entered into the auditorium, the auditorium became silent and we were all focused on Mr Bryan.
Today,we are going to look at the topic"construction", Mr Bryan said.
I've had serious problem with construction since my 11th grade,I really don't think that topic likes me. Mr Bryan gave us examples,everyone claimed they understood it,it was like he had just performed black magic on the board. I ignored whatever was on the board, not quite long, Mr Bryan gave us a classwork. I was struck dumb, how was I supposed to express myself with Daniel and Hardin, I thought to myself. This is so fucked up, I muttered.
Everybody was focused on the class work, including Halsey and Ethan, Daniel was also busy with his classwork,I figured out that Hardin was only drawing a straight line "AB" and kept erasing them. I hadn't even opened my mathematical set.
You need help?Hardin asked me looking into my note,I immediately covered it.
Done with yours? I scoffed almost leading into laughter, but I wouldn't want to embarrass myself in the auditorium.
Nope,he replied smiling.
So,why are you asking about mine,when you haven't done yours?I asked also looking into his book,he also covered it.
What's going on with you both? Daniel asked.
Nothing really, it's just that Hardin wanted to help me out with my class work,I replied. Daniel burst into a low laughter immediately.
Are you serious? Hardin? He said.
What do you mean?that I can't construct or what?Hardin asked smiling knowing fully well he can't construct.
Exactly bro,I'm done with mine,Daniel said.
You know what Hardin,just admit it,you are my male version, we both don't know construction, I scoffed at him.
Alright then, you're my female version, he replied.
I started teasing him with the name "male version" and he did the same anytime we saw each other,I started getting over Ethan gradually as time went on.

Hardin started visiting me in my class after the "version incidence", we became close,I wanted to distance myself from him cause i was scared he was going to do the same thing Leonardo did. Hardin has a close friend which he tells most of his things and whatever happened to him -Leah. Leah is a chubby girl,she was way bigger than me but not very big,she always go to places with Hardin. I was on my chair when Leah escorted Hardin to my desk and left, we were only few in the class,Hardin sat on the chair close to me,I turned to face him directly.
Hi,female version, he said waving his hand .
Hey,male version, I replied also waving my hand to his face,he smiled at what I did.
What are you doing? he asked.
Nothing... Just going through my note,I replied taking a strand of my hair to the back. He was only staring at me,while I was still going through my note,he took my note from the table,then covered it,I was wondering why he did that.
I'm just bored,Riley, he blurted out holding me by the shoulder.
Same here Hardin,I replied.
So,what do you plan to do?I asked.
Ohh...I can tell you a story, he said smiling.
A story?I asked.
Yea,he replied.
Alright then, I said. Hardin told me the story of the beauty and the beast,the only difference he made there,was that he substituted the main characters name into our names.
And they lived happily ever after,he said at the end of the story. you mean,I am the "beauty" and you are the "beast"? I asked.
Exactly Riley, how was my story?he asked.
Awesome, I said to him in reply.
then,I have another story to tell,he said.
Don't tell me it's one of those fairytale again, I said twisting some strands of my hair, he also took some strands and started twisting them,now we were having an eye contact ,I wasn't really comfortable with it,I stopped the twisting,but he didn't stop.'s the sleeping beauty, he replied.
I already heard of that story and i have also watched the movie,I said making it obvious I wasn't interested in his fairytale. He finally left my hair,I was relieved.
Alright then, I should get going, he said and waved his hand to my face again, I smiled at him,he walked out of the class. Lyla came just in time.
Hey Riri, lyla said hugging me from the back.
Hi Lyla,I said raising my head up looking into her eyes.
What's up with you and Hardin? She asked raising one eyebrow.
Um...about that...I told Lyla all about what happened during and after the maths class until today.
Really? I hope that guy is not one of those playboy, she said hopefully.
Yea...probably, I said dragging her to sit on the chair next to me.
One thing,I want to find out is "his crush", I said to lyla.
You should probably know that,she said and winked at me.
Through the window, I saw Hardin and Leah having a conversation, they were both smiling towards me. I wondered what they were saying. They were done talking and went their different ways,I first of all went to Leah's class cause she would surely know who his crush is. Leah refused to tell me who the person is,all my attempts failed,I already knew I was wasting my time with Leah.
Why don't you go and ask Hardin yourself, she replied me. I stood up from the chair I was sitting on,I was walking towards the door when Leah yelled after me" I won't tell a thing" I turned my eyeballs and finally left the class, on my out, I met Hardin on the way to Leah's class. I stopped him.
What's up beauty? he asked taking me by the hand.
I'm fine beast,I replied, he just smiled at what I said, he was full of smiles,he never stops smiling.
Um...I want to ask you a question, I said smiling softly.
OK,I'm all ears,he replied.
Who is your crush?I asked him.
My crush?...why are you asking me that?he asked
Nothing, I was just curious, I said shrugging my shoulders.
Apparently, that question has been on your mind,he said.
No, it hasn't, I said to defend myself.
Alright then, I wouldn't tell you who the person is,he said.
Ugh! I exclaimed.
I would only give you hints about the person, he added.
Really? Why?I asked .
Nothing, he replied.
At least with the hint, I would be able to figure out who she is,I thought to myself.
Alright then... go on,I said .

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