A Day in the Life of... (Pt 1)

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Error laid on the floor of the Anti-Void, bored. Staring up at the endless expanse of white he called the "ceiling," he contemplated life. No, he was not having an existential crisis. He'd gone too far for that. Though, sometimes, it made him wonder whether it was really worth his time and effort to destroy Ink's creations. Ink hadn't created for awhile now, but Error didn't mind.

He was used to it.

Sometimes, Ink would go for weeks without creating anything, leaving Error in a constant state of anxiety. Because, let's be honest here.

Who wouldn't be anxiously awaiting the excruciating migraines that occured every time that squid had a sudden stroke of inspiration?

Error laughed a little at the pun. He sometimes wished that he and Ink didn't have to be enemies. What choice did he have, though? The migraines got worse when he did nothing. All that code, all the wasted space.

All the noise.

There it is. The familiar buzz of static that signalled a headache. Ink must be at it again. It's not like Error hated Ink or his creations. They simply caused him headaches.

Ok, that may have been a lie.

The headaches, I mean.

See, it's more than just headaches. The headaches he could deal with. It's the constant strain on his energy and magic levels caused by the headaches he has trouble with. They are a symptom of something deeper. A calling. To free up some space in the multiverse. Like a delete button. He hated it, but it was still part of him, and he couldn't stop it.

Heaving a sigh, Error sat up. 'I wonder if Nightmare and the gang know there's a new AU?' he thought.

The 'Bad Sanses,' as their group is called, were a team of vicious, merciless killers- eh, only if they're angry about something. Miraculously, Error was able to convince their leader, Nightmare, that there needed to be a balance between creation and destruction, or else the multiverse would collapse. Normally, Nightmare didn't kill people anyway, but the rest of the team did. So, when he told Dust, Killer, Horror, and Red (who were the only members at the time) that they would cut back on the killing at least a little, they weren't too happy about it.

In fact, they were suspicious about how Error convinced Nightmare to make this decision. Dust did a little spying and research

(-and a peek at Nighty's diary-
Night: IT'S NOT A DIARY!!!
...it totally is-)

and found out that Error and Nightmare were, and still pretty much are, outcasts. Meaning, they had a lot in common and they understood each other. Because supposedly they had a conversation on it once. Without the others' knowledge. They didn't even know where those two had this conversation
(hint: Error's favorite AU)! Dust and Killer were shipping it so hard, while Horror and Red just watched them squeal like overly-obsessed fangirls.


Back to the present, Error created a portal to the new AU, but hesitated. Should he ask for Nightmare's help?

... ... ...


He'll be fine.

If anything went wrong, all Error would have to do is retreat and regroup. It's a tactic that, for some reason, always ALWAYS catches Ink off guard. Most of the time, Ink has had no backup, which made Error's job that much easier.

That is, until recently.

Interestingly enough, in the conversations with Nightmare, the subject of said skeleton's brother never came up. Well, Error found out about Dream the hard way, I guess. He just suddenly appeared on the scene one day, bow in hand, radiating positivity and determination. Nightmare had been shocked to see his brother practically back from the dead. It had been a couple of years by then since the whole, "destruction of the AU" thing happened, and he thought that Dream was to remain a statue, waiting for something to wake him up.

Or someone.

Indeed, it had been none other than the creator himself that freed Dream from his tomb. So now, Error had to deal with not one, but two guardians.

Well, one is a full-on guardian. The other is, in Error's opinion, simply a child whose toys are being broken.


Error thinks that the creator of worlds acts like a little kid.

Error stepped through the portal after thinking about the two idiots he had to face, and decided he wouldn't need help. Plus, if he's lucky, he won't run into them. The headache was getting worse, so he had to get going. Already, he could feel his strength ebbing away.

He pulled up the new AU's code.

"A nEw VeRsIoN oF uNdErSwAp, HuH? DiD tHaT sQuId FiNaLlY rUn OuT oF iNsPiRaTiOn?" He trudged through the cold snow toward Snowdin, tearing the code apart as he went. Little did he know, Papyrus had been warned about Error and had evacuated everyone as quickly as he could.

This was gonna be messy.


Heyo! I hope you're enjoying this so far, there is still much yet to come. Feedback is appreciated and encouraged, so if there's anything I can improve on, feel free to let me know. I can be a bit scatterbrained at times, and I want everyone to be able to understand and enjoy this story. Cya!

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