A Day in the Life of... (Pt 2)

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Ink was excited. He finally had the inspiration to create another AU! His inspiration came from his new friend, Dream. The positive guardian had basically become his muse, giving him a huge boost in motivation. An overly energetic, purely innocent, positive Sans in the multiverse was just the right touch.

At least, that's what Ink thought.

He could be wrong.

... ... ...

Pfft, that's impossible!

Ink can't be wrong. None of his creations would be stable if he had done something wrong. And they are fine, so he's always right.


He shook those thoughts away. Right now, he had to focus. Focus on the Doodlesphere. Focus on his magic.

Focus on the new AU.

Before he knew it, he had drawn up his new creation. He stood back, satisfied, and smiled. He always felt great whenever he could create. Even something as simple and crude as a drawing made him feel accomplished, but creating an entire universe is just- ugh, it's the best feeling ever! However, the feeling didn't last. It dissipated as quickly as it had come, and fear rose to take its place. Fear that his hard work would go to waste. Trashed. Destroyed.

He was afraid Error would destroy it.

Dream entered the Doodlesphere, concerned for his new friend. He could sense Ink's emotions across the multiverse, mostly because he was the only one in the Doodlesphere. But, that did make it easier to find him, and tell how he's feeling at any given moment.

Like now.

"What's wrong, Ink?" Dream questioned, hoping to help.

"It's just- Nothing," Ink said with a sigh.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? We're friends, after all."

"I just wish Error would stop destroying things. I mean, doesn't he realize, or even care, that he's ending billions upon billions of lives by destroying a single AU? What does he hope to gain? LV? Tch, a poor excuse. He. Just. Doesn't. Care!!!!"

Ink finished his mini rant with another, frustrated, sigh. "I-I just don't get it..."

Dream thought for a moment. Maybe they could think of a way to stop Error.

He felt in his pocket for the gift he received from Sciencetale Sans as "payment" for running an errand. Or, y'know, a couple... hundred.

He suddenly got an idea.
(Insert lightbulb scene from Despicable Me)

"What if," Dream began, earning a curious look from Ink. "We set a trap for Error, in this AU? We could evacuate everyone to the Omega Timeline and trap him?"

"Hmm," Ink thought for a moment. "That's... not a bad idea. I think you're onto something there, Dream! But, what's your plan? How do we trap Error?"

"Leave that to me!"

Dream gave Ink a brief, slightly rushed, summary of the plan. After all, they didn't have much time before Error would decide to destroy the AU.
He might already be doing so as they speak! Ink nodded in approval. "Sounds good, Dream."

And with that, they were off. The first step of the plan was to locate the fallen human (Chara) and get them to safety. Next, they had to inform Papyrus of what's coming and help him explain things to everyone else, including Queen Toriel. She complied with their request to evacuate, and ordered Alphys to start the evacuation, with Undyne's help, of course.

Meanwhile, Sans had been going to check on Papyrus at his post near the ruins.
'He's probably asleep, that lazy brother of mine,' he thought as he stomped through the snow. When he got there, Papyrus had just finished directing the monsters from the ruins into a portal to the Omega Timeline. Sans spotted two other skeletons, one with a paintbrush strapped to his back, the other wearing a golden crown that... kind of... looked like him?

"Hello!" Sans greeted them. "Who are your new friends, Papy?"

Papyrus smiled and waved as his younger brother walked over to them. He'd been suspicious of these two skeletons at first, but when he saw Dream, how desperate, how DETERMINED to save them from this "Error" guy he was, he couldn't help but see how uncannily similar Dream was to Sans. So, he decided to trust them. After all, his brother wouldn't betray him, would he?


Heyo! How's it goin'? You enjoying the view from the edge of that cliff?

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