The Trap

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He closed his eyes. Images of his friends, Papyrus, and all the wonderful memories he'd made flashed in his mind. 'No,' he thought. 'It can't end like this. I'm the magnificent Sans! I can't die now! I must save my friends, my brother, my home! I will face Error, I will convince him not to destroy everything, and I WILL NOT. GIVE. UP!'

Sans opened his eyes.

Only to meet with the cold, unpleasant, multicolored eyelights of the destroyer himself. Error had been standing in front of Sans for a few seconds, watching him have a silent pep talk with himself. But, when he'd opened his eyesockets, Error was taken aback by the determination those baby blue eyelights held.

'Kinda reminds me of a blueberry, tibia honest, heh heh,' Error smirked a little.

"So," Error started. "YoU aRe ThE sAnS oF tHiS uNiVeRsE, yEs?"

"And you are Error, correct?" Sans countered.

"HoW dId YoU-"

"I know you're here to destroy my universe, but I-I think you should reconsider- er, no, I mean I think you- y-you..."

"UgH, jUsT sPiT iT oUt AlrEaDy, i DoN't HaVe AlL dAy!"

Sans flinched at Error's tone. But he had to be brave. For his universe.

Error's headache was getting worse and Sans being in his way didn't make his job any easier. But this universe had to be destroyed. Even now, code from another universe was seeping into this one. Error couldn't tell which one specifically, but he could feel it corrupting this universe nonetheless. As much as he wanted to give this universe a chance at existing, the code was weak and flawed. After all, it wasn't a core universe. Only a variation.

A mistake.

No, he shouldn't think like that. Sure, they weren't original, but they weren't a...

They weren't a worthless glitch like him.

Error sighed, already weary from the strong urge to fix the multiverse. That's what he preferred to call it. Rather than breaking down individual messes of code at random, he was systematically fixing the multiverse as a whole, cutting out the harmful viruses that threatened to break things down, bit by bit, until there was nothing left.

He held a hand to his skull, the pounding in it driving him nuts. At this rate, he'd be bedridden for a week. It's happened before, and it was bad. Fortunately for him, Ink didn't create anything that week; this time, he might not be so lucky. Though, on the bright side, if the pain killed him, he wouldn't have to fight Ink, destroy AUs, or kill people anymore.

If he died, he'd finally be at peace.

No one would miss him for two reasons: one, he didn't have many friends, nor family he could remember. Two, the multiverse would either let the inevitable disaster of universes crashing into each other happen, or it would find or create a replacement for him. Both options are plausible since the multiverse always seems to find a way to survive, as if it has a mind of its own. It wouldn't surprise Error at all if this were the case.

But, this begs a question: is the multiverse's consciousness like that of an animal's, acting purely on instinct? Or, is it a sentient being, devising tactics to advance its goals and impose its will on its inhabitants?

"A-are you ok?"

Sans' question snapped Error out of his thoughts. He hadn't realized he'd been staring out into the trees for quite some time now.

"H-hUh? SoRrY, lOsT iN, uH, tHoUgHt I gUeSs..."

"Oh, w-well, I was trying to get your attention to say... to ask, why are you doing this? Why destroy universes, what's the point?"

"ThE pOiNt? To ReMoVe ThE wAsTe Of SpAcE uNiVeRsEs LiKe YoUrS aRe!"

"MY UNIVERSE IS NOT A WASTE OF SPACE!" Sans had not intended to yell, but Error calling his universe, his home, trash was more than he could take.

"My universe is just as good as any other universe out there, so why do you want to destroy it?! Destroy any of them??!!"

Error knew he messed up. He blamed his choice of words on his previous train of thought and decided to tell Sans the truth, hoping he'd understand.

"LoOk, I'm SoRrY," Error said, his tone softened. "I dIdN't MeAn FoR iT tO cOmE oUt ThAt WaY. ThE tRuTh Is, ThIs UnIvErSe Is... FlAwEd. SoMeThInG wEnT wRoNg WiTh ItS cReAtIoN aNd NoW, iT's CoLlApSiNg In On ItSeLf, AlLoWiNg OtHeR UnIvErSeS' cOdE tO cOmE iN aNd CoRrUpT iT. I'vE sEeN iT hApPeN, aNd I gOtTa TeLl YoU, iT wAsN't PrEtTy. ThErE wAs A cHaIn ReAcTiOn ThAt CoRrUpTeD mOrE AuS, uNtIl I sTePpEd In To StOp It. I'm SoRrY, sAnS, bUt YoUr UnIvErSe... It HaS tO gO."

Sans looked away. So, that's why. His universe was to blame for this.

"Is... there really no getting around it?"

Error sighed. "I'm AfRaId NoT."

"But you do it to save others, right? You don't do it just for the heck of it?"

"Of CoUrSe NoT! I hAtE dOiNg It, BuT iF i DoN't Do It, SoMeOnE eLsE wIlL. SoMeOnE wHo PrObAbLy Is DoInG iT fOr ThE hElL oF iT. JuSt Be GrAtEfUl It'S mE aNd NoT sOmE iNsAnE aSsHoLe WhO dOeSn'T mInD kIlLiNg PeOpLe."

Sans wasn't used to people openly swearing within his hearing, mostly because of his overprotective brother, so he winced at Error's words.

(Nights: Talk about overprotective family, amirite?
Me: Don't drag me into your shenanigans, you crazy musical demon!
Nights: Ok, boomer-
Nights: -on with the show!)

What struck Sans as odd was that Error did seem like the murdery type (no offense), but was claiming to be reluctant to actually hurt anyone. Considering Sans was still alive, he figured he could safely assume that Error was telling the truth. At least, he hoped so. On the other hand, the bastard could be waiting for an opportunity to kill him when his guard was down. But on the other, OTHER hand, what if he really is telling the truth and, perhaps, he needs a bit of encouragement about his depressing situation. Killing people and destroying Aus, or whatever he called them, must take quite the toll on one's sanity. Maybe all he needs is a hug!

"I suppose y-you're right, Error- er, Mister Error! Sorry!"

"Eh, JuSt ErRoR iS fInE. HeY, lIsTeN, sOmEtHiNg'S bEeN bOtHeRiNg Me SiNcE i GoT hErE. WhErE iS eVeRyBoDy?"

Sans gasped. The trap! He'd forgotten all about the trap!


Phew, another chapter done! Hope you're all enjoying this as much as I love writing it, cuz this....

... is only the beginning.

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