Fun and Games

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"It's nice to meet you, Cross," Blueberry shook Cross' hand, flashing a friendly, but cautious, smile. "I'm Blueberry!"

Dust simply waved, but caught Nightmare's eye. The latter silently demanded an explanation, and Dust wanted to know how he'd stumbled a-Cross this new guy. Lol.

Pulling Dust aside, Nightmare spoke first. "Where'd you find the blue marshmallow?"

"I didn't, Error did. And he seems to think Sweet Cheeks over there is stayin' with us, somethin' about the kid turnin' inta him, or somethin'. Ya aren't gonna... kick him out... or nothin', are ya?"

Dust's eyelights looked hopeful, and it reminded Nightmare of an old friend.

He sighed, shaking his head. "Nah, of course not. I'll go talk to Error about where he came from, so you're in charge until I get back. Horror will be back in a few minutes, said he had to check on his bro, and he'll be bringing back some supplies. If I'm not back by then, I expect you to help him put things away properly. You know I hate it when my castle is messy!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You got it, boss."

After Nightmare left, Killer came out of the living room. He saw Blueberry and Cross talking, and walked over to Dust.

"Who the hell are they?" Dust smacked him upside the head when he heard what Killer said.
"Ow! What the fu- mph!"

"Shut up, you idiot!" Dust's hand had clamped over Killer's mouth before he could utter any more curses.
"Don't you dare swear in front of Blueberry. He's sensitive, so a single offensive comment could get him to cry us a river, so no swearing!"

Killer nodded, but when Dust let him go, he said, "Fuck you!" and ran off towards the kitchen.

Dust facepalmed, but decided it wasn't worth trying to stop him. Oh, well. Killer will be the one cleaning up the mess if Blueberry somehow did cry a river. 'I'll boat he'd wish he'd listened to me if that ever happened,' Dust thought with a grin.

Red had left, grumbling to himself, so now it was just Dust, Blueberry and Cross in the hallway. So, why was Cross constantly looking over his shoulder? Is he seeing something that Dust couldn't see?

He must've noticed Dust's confused expression, because he shot a harsh glare at the hooded skelly.

"What are you looking at?"

Dust averted his gaze, mumbling an apology. Blueberry looked between the two, feeling the tension rise.

"Uh, how a-about we don't fight? Let's go do s-something else."

Dust brightened up at the suggestion. "I know what we can do!" He grabbed Blueberry's hand and pulled him to the kitchen, Cross following close behind. When they got there, Killer was in the middle of smashing some nuts on the counter, making a huge mess. He muttered to himself, asking why the hell Nightmare thought it was such a great idea to buy nuts still in their shells.
(It'll make more sense later, Killer, I promise)
He stopped when Dust entered the kitchen with Blueberry in tow.

"Ooh, you know the rules, Dusty. No relationships in this castle, boss's orders~"

Dust quickly let go of Blueberry's hand, blushing a slight purple, and glared at Killer. Suddenly, Dust got an idea. Here's to payback, pal!

(Nights: A toast, to Dust's brilliant plan of revenge! *pours wine*
Me: Here, here! *clinks glass of piña colada with her wine glass*)

"Hey, Killer. I challenge you to..." He paused for dramatic effect, winking at Blueberry. "... a flirting contest!"

"Pfft, on this kid? Thought you said he was 'sensitive'" Killer said, putting down the hammer.

"I bet I can make him blush faster than you can!"

"You're on!"

Dust explained the rules to Blueberry, who was willing to participate. He wasn't allowed to speak or move, and the contestants were allowed to get as close as they wanted without actually touching Blueberry. The winner is the one who makes him blush first. Dust and Killer stood on either side of Blueberry, who was sitting at the counter, and Cross leaned on the wall behind them, watching the show.

Dust's turn was first, so he went with a pretty basic pickup line. "Ayy, I lost my phone number, can I have yours?" Blueberry shook his head playfully, which Dust found irresistibly cute.

Killer's turn came. "Do I know you? Cuz you look like my next date~" Blueberry puffed out his cheeks in an attempt to stay calm. That one almost got him.

Dust was next. "Are you an angel? Cuz you look heavenly~"

"You're lookin' fine, I'll bet you taste as sweet as you look~"

"I should get my eyes checked, cuz I've got eyes only for you~"

"Are you a beacon? Cuz you light up my life~"
(That one made Blueberry frown)

"Help! I think my heart's been stolen~"

"I would trade Dust for a chocolate bar in a heartbeat, but I wouldn't trade you for the world~"

Blueberry was good at this game.

... ... ...

Until Dust came out with, "Are you a magnet? Cuz I'm hopelessly attracted to you~"

Blueberry had never heard such a flattering, genuine compliment before. (Again, because of his brother) And the way Dust said it made him blush a bright blue. Dust shot his fist in the air in victory, while Killer sulked, returning to the mess of nutshells on the counter. Picking out a few walnuts and pecans that weren't completely crushed, he popped them into his mouth, sighing.

"Wow, didn't think it would be hard to make you crack, but that was fun. Tibia honest, I didn't think I'd lose, either."

Blueberry shrugged and smiled nervously. "No one's ever flirted with me before, so I'm a little surprised myself. The puns kinda threw me off, though."

"Well, it was fun playin' with ya. We'll have to do somethin' like this more often, and I'll be sure to win, too!"



".....were those puns?"

"Uh, yes?"

... ... ...

Killer ran screaming out of the kitchen right past Red with an angry Blueberry wielding the hammer Killer was using to smash nuts on the counter. Red scoffed, and teleported into the kitchen to find a hidden stash of chocolate for himself.

'Idiots,' He thought, watching Blueberry walk back in without his quarry.


Yay! Another chapter done, this time at a sort of decent time. And I have inspiration for the next few chapters, so it won't take as long to get them published.

WhAt CaN i SaY eXcEpT yOu'Re WeLcOmE-

Disney's taking over my life help-

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