Out of the Frying Pan...

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Ink curled into a ball beside the cliff, sobbing. The stars above him twinkled brightly, as if nothing tragic had happened. His soul felt like it was splitting apart, intense, overwhelming pain that made him feel like he was dying spreading throughout his body. Error was gone. It was all his fault. If he had just listened-

The breeze picked up a little, and something blew against him. He sat up and looked behind him. It was a dark blue scarf, ripped and torn here and there, and Ink recognized it as Error's. He hugged it close to his chest, his soul aching for its owner to come back to him.



Come back to us....

To me....

Error opened his eyes. He felt weightless. He looked around and discovered he was floating in the midst of billions of stars, alone. Once again, he despised being alone, but he focused on the stars to lessen his anxiety. His migraine told him he was alive and conscious, meaning this wasn't a nightmare, but it also made him wish he wasn't. He allowed himself to drift, feeling slightly nauseous. He closed his eyes again, wanting to go back to sleep. He didn't know exactly where he was, but if he could just get a little more rest....

He heard a sound break through the silence. It echoed around him, pulling him in, embracing him, shutting out even the migraine that threatened to split his skull. He opened his eyesockets wide, recognizing the sound as a voice. He listened to it more closely, realizing it sounded familiar. Like a lullaby.


Please, please, please, come back to me....

He jolted, finally understanding why it sounded familiar. That voice.....
It was Ink!

With the last ounce of energy he had left, Error focused on where the sound was coming from and teleported. His feet met solid ground, and he collapsed.

Ink heard a thump behind him. Thinking it was just Dream, he didn't bother to look behind him. He held the scarf in his hands and cried harder, expecting his friend to ask what was wrong. He heard a low groan behind him, and he spun around to find the source. He gasped as his eyelights landed on Error, and he quickly crawled over to him.
"E-Error! Thank the stars you're alive!"

Error didn't hear him. He felt weak, weaker than he'd ever felt in his life, and he couldn't move. The pain was unbearable, and his eyesockets refused to open.
'Am I dying?' he thought. 'It feels like it.'

Ink picked Error up and hugged him, resting the glitchy skeleton's head on his shoulder. He was so relieved to see him alive he could barely contain his joy. He squeezed Error gently so he wouldn't hurt him.

Error tried to move his arms. Thankfully, they seemed to still be able to function. He slowly and painfully lifted them up to hug Ink back, gripping tightly onto the fabric of the artist's clothes. His strength was leaving him, and he held onto Ink like a lifeline, afraid that if he let go, he'd turn to dust in an instant.

"Error... *Sniff* I-I love you, too."
Ink had not forgotten the last thing that Error had said to him, and was happy to tell Error the feelings were without a doubt mutual. He didn't think it was possible that Error even remotely liked him, considering all he has done to him. Ink thought Error would hate him for everything, especially now that the multiverse was falling apart. He'd hate him for nearly killing him all these years. He'd hate him for not listening when he said to stop. But no. He said he loved Ink. He didn't understand it. He guessed he might've misjudged the glitchy skeleton's character.

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