Chapter 6: there's more!?

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A/n: I'm so sorry for how late this but I wanted to post it now before it seemed to late.

Next to it was another note card "Dear MC, We apréciate everything you've done for us, so we all wanted to do something special for you. First you'll need to go to Purgatory Hall for a very special surprise." 'Purgatory hall? They are definitely up to something...' I grabbed my bag from my room and made my way to the purgatory hall when I got there I knocked on the door only to see Solomon open the door. "Hey MC! Let me guess the brothers sent you here for a surprise?" "Yeah, apparently." "We'll come on in, Luke's been waiting for you to open your gift all night." I followed Solomon into the living room and saw Simieon and Luke by a Christmas tree. Underneath the tree were three gifts. "MC! You're here! Open your gifts!!" "Are these from you?" "No, there from the brothers we just helped them with getting the materials." "Oh! Ok!" I grabbed the largest gift first and opened it, inside was a large blanket that was soft to the touch. The next gift was a set of Pj's but something seemed different about them, they were soft but a bruise I developed while making the brothers gifts suddenly felt a lot better. Curious I rolled up my sleeve (if you don't have sleeves you looked down.) and looked at my bruise to see it gone. "What in the world?!" "We'll explain later, open up your last gift." Still in shock I opened up my last gift to find a new bag. It was (f/c) but when I looked inside it was a lot bigger than my current bag, by bigger I mean there was an entire storage room inside the bag. "The blanket and PJ's are from the celestial realm, the Pj's help heal your body to assist in better sleep and the blanket keeps your temperature at the right area so you can get the best sleep without getting too hot or too cold." "The brothers had me enchant the bag so you could fit everything you would need in case of emergencies inside since your old survival bag was getting worn out." "Wow! This is awesome! Thank you so much!!" "Your welcome! Also before I forget here's your next clue." "Dear MC, go to each of our favorite shops from youngest to oldest for something hand picked by us." "Well, it looks like I'm off, I'll see you guys later!" "Bye MC!" I left Purgatory hall and made my way to Belphie favorite store, he only liked it because he could get the best bedding from there. When I entered I was met with the store manager from when I had the brothers go shopping while I made thanksgiving dinner. "Miguel!" Miguel looked over, smiled and came over to me. "Hey MC!" "Hey Miguel! The brothers sent me here for a gift, do you know what they might mean?" "Actually I do, they asked me to give you a hand so follow me." I followed Miguel and I ended up getting a new pillow, with new pillow covers since my old ones tend to get messy due to the brothers shenanigans. After I checked out I continued to make my way placing my presents in my new bag. When I got to the last store I was treated to lunch at Hell's Kitchen by Beel, I got my favorite hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, etc.) from Asmo, A book series I had been looking for from Satan,a limited edition poster from my favorite anime from Levi, and a new watch since my old one stopped working from Mammon. The last store I went to was Lucifer's music record shop, when I went in I saw the store owner and he smiled and started pulling out a box. "Lucifer said that you would know what this was about, he must really care about you if he got you something expensive and rare like this." I took the box and opened the lid to see a record with the song that I would play in my head and dance to while I had the ballroom to myself on occasion. Smiling I thanked the store manager and made my way to Diavolos castle since according to the card I got that was the last place I had to go to, before I could knock however I was greeted by Barbartos. "Hello MC, we've been expecting you. If you'd follow me I'll take you to Lord Diavolo's office. He's not here at the moment and I'm afraid I have to leave to take care of something but there are presents on the desk for you. When you leave, close the door behind you, don't worry about locking it since it locks automatically." "Alright!" After Barbartos left I made my way to the desk to see two gifts, one smaller than the other. I opened the smaller gift first and found my favorite tea which was really rare and very expensive. The next present had a gorgeous (f/c) ball gown with a (s/f/c) sash, with a pair of (f/c) (type of dress shoes), it had a tiara with my birthstone, and jewelry. In awe I picked up the card to see what it said. "Dear MC, we would like you to put this on then hop in the carriage waiting for you outside. The driver will ask you to put on a blindfold. We hope you'll like your final surprise of the night." So after closing the curtains I got dressed, placed the outfit I had been wearing in the box, then placed both my former outfit and my tea in my bag. I left Diavolo's office and made my way outside, after I closed the door I turned back and saw a beautiful carriage. I made my way over to the carriage and stopped before the door. "Greetings miss MC, I will be your driver for this evening. If you'd be so kind as to let me place this blindfold on you we'll be on our way." "Alright." I turned so he could place the blindfold on me then he helped me up and we were off, I felt us leave and stop after a little while, I was then assisted to what I presumed to be a hair store because I smelled hairspray and shortly after I was leaving with my hair being done, we then went to a makeup store so I could have my makeup done then back with the blindfold. When we stopped I was guided inside a building by the driver, he took off the blindfold. When I opened my eyes I saw a dark room until the driver flipped on the lights and everyone jumped out yelling "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" "W-what?! You guys did all this for me?" "Surprise MC!" "Did ya like it?!" "I love it! I can't believe you guys did all this for me, thank you." I gave the brothers a hug along with the angles, Solomon, Barbartos, and Diavolo. After a bit of chatting we ate some food and danced until midnight. After midnight hit everyone started to head home. I helped clean up then me and the brothers made our way back to the house of lamentations, on the way back I sat next to my lover but due to all of today's activities I fell asleep. That night I dreamed of everything fun me and the brothers did, excited for another year with them.

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