Chapter 2: a scheme for turkey day

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            When I woke up I got ready for school and headed downstairs. "Good morning everyone!" "Morning.." I could tell that they were still annoyed from yesterday, but that's fine since I will fix that tomorrow. We ate breakfast and headed to school. I was chatting with Levi about a new anime he found when I was tackled by a black and blue blur which just happened to be my friend Emily. "Oof." "MC! You're here!!" "Yes, now get off! You're crushing me." Emily got off then she noticed Levi. "Hi Levi! Did you hear about the new Rurichan event?" "Yeah!" As they were talking about that I made my way to class, when I got there I saw Diavolo. "Hey Diavolo!" "Hi MC! I have a favor to ask of you..." "sure! What is it?" "Well...I'm going to give Lucifer the day off tomorrow and since you know the brothers better than I do....can you set up some activities that they could enjoy together and get to know each other better?" "Of course!! I was actually going to ask you about that so this works out perfectly! I already have a plan, see ya later!" "Bye MC!" I watched as Diavolo left then proceeded with my day, once the day was over I raced back to the house of lamentations, got changed, grabbed my Grimm and went into town after leaving a note for the brothers. While in town I went to a store that each of the brothers enjoy and gave the specific amount of Grimm needed, good thing I took Financial Literacy before I came here. Once that was done I grabbed a book from the library with cooking instructions involving devildom food and the ingredients for the food along with human dishes I dropped by purgatory hall and dropped my food off there since I sent them a text and they already said I could. Mostly so the brothers wouldn't find out and Beel wouldn't eat it all...anyways once I dropped it off I made my way back to the house of lamentations only to find an annoyed Lucifer waiting for me. "Do you have any idea how late it is?! It's way past curfew! We've been worried sick!!" "I left a note saying I would be out in town." "Yes, but we received that note 3 hours ago and you wrote it an hour before we got home, 4 hours with no contact. We tried to call but your D.D.D was here. Do you have any idea how worried all of us were?!" "I'm sorry, it won't happen again..." "It better not! What if something were to happen to you and we had no way of finding out till it was too late!! We....we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves....your very special to us MC, please be more careful..." "ok, I promise I'll be more careful..." "thank you best get to bed...see you tomorrow." "Night Lucifer! *kiss on the cheek if he's your boyfriend, if not a hug.*" Once I bid a good night to Lucifer, I checked on each brother. First was Mammon, I knocked on his door and next thing I know the door swings open and I'm engulfed in a hug. "You stupid human!" I looked up and laughed a little seeing how bright his face turned when he realized what he just did. "U-uh...I-I I it's not l-like I was w-worried or a-anything...just take your phone next time..." "don't worry Mammon, it won't happen again, promise. *boyfriend=kiss, friend=hug.*" it was a similar thing with each brother Levi going on about losing his number 2 player, Satan going on a rant, Asmo obsessing over possibly ruining my perfect skin, Beel and Belphie both talked about how they didn't want me to die like Lilith and needing a little bit of extra cuddles. Once I was done with them I made my way back to my room and slept, excited for tomorrow.

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