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              I followed the green string to the library and saw it lead to a book, it was a book that I had been searching for, for a long time. Behind the cover was a note card. "Dear Satan, I know you were looking for this so merry Christmas! Your second present is where an enchanted song plays on all hollow eves. By the way keep all your presents until the end." 'That's the music room, guess I'm going there.' I went over to the music room and began searching only un like my other presents. I had a bit more trouble finding mine. 'MC must think I'm more capable then my brothers.' I was later joined by Lucifer. "Hey Lucifer, did you find your first present?" "Yes, and it was...probably one of the greatest presents yet." "Hmm? What did you get?" "You'll find out later, anyways have you figured out your first clue?" "Yep! It was at the library, apparently MC got me this book she told me to hold onto it till the end." "Hmm, have you found your second present?" "Nope." "Let's get looking then." I got back to looking and when I finally found my presents it was odd, there were books on taking care of cats, types of cats, etc. "This will be important towards the end. Your next present is in the planetarium. You'll need to keep it till the end." 'Guess I'm going to the planetarium.' "Found mine." I saw Lucifer look back at me and he seemed puzzled. "Another book?" 'Book? Oh he can't see the others, better for me I guess.' "Yeah, and once again she's telling me to hold onto it. Anyways I'm off to find my third present see ya." I made my way to the planetarium passing by Belphie and Asmo along the way. When I got there I saw another book along with another notecard. The book was different stories about star constellations in both the human world and in devildom. "I thought you might have fun with something non fiction but fascinating nonetheless. This present won't make much sense but it'll be more important. Go to your brother's sisters room." 'Lilith's room? Why her room?' I made my way to Lilith's room and saw 7 different colored orbs. I went to the green orb and followed the instructions. After holding my hands on the orb for five seconds I saw a projection of what I assumed to be Lilth based off of Lucifer's memories. "Hi! I'm Lilth, you must be Satan. My little brother...I hope after today we can get to know each other better. MC was very careful not to mention things you liked, that meanie but I know why she did it...she wanted me to grow a genuine bond. Whether you were born a demon or not I will love you the same no matter what. Bye Satan!" I watched as the projection of Lilith left and sat there processing what happened. 'What in devildom just happened?! Did I speak to a ghost? No the temperature didn't drop....I'm just not going to question it....' "I hope you liked your fourth surprise, for surprise number five go check out your room." 'My room??' As I was heading towards my room I passed by Levi's and I heard him yell "WHERE IS ALL MY RURICHAN FIGURINES AND MY COSPLAYS!!" "Someone's going to die today...that's for sure." I made my way to my room and when I got there I saw a clean room with half of my books gone most of the books in there were from the school. "WHERE ARE ALL OF MY BOOKS!!!" 'Yeah I'm about to kill someone....' before I could unleash my wrath I noticed a key. I detransformd and picked up the key then followed the green string to a bookcase on my top floor. I looked around the bookcase puzzled on where the key hole could be. Then I noticed that all of these books were on the topic of devildom history except one which was the celestial war which is general history. I removed the book and placed it in its proper place then I looked back in the hole to see a keyhole. I inserted the key and the bookshelf ended up sliding over (I know this doesn't go with earlier so pretend there are three different ways to get in.) I went in after taking out the key and saw all my personal books in a giant old fashioned library, but there was different cat stuff all around the room along with cats! I watched as a blond cat with green eyes came up it had a note around its neck. I reached down and petted it then picked up the note. "Hey Satan! Sorry if I made you mad earlier but I gave you more space to sleep in your room, any new books you get that don't belong to the R.A.D library can stay here, cats are able to come in and out from outside so most of them will be strays. This cat I named Tan Tan after you since he looked like you. This library can only be accessed by the key I gave you and that key alone. There is another entrance from the hallway so I can come join you if necessary and there's another door that leads to the underground tunnels. The tunnels have signs on them so you can get around. Merry Christmas!!" I sat Tan Tan down and was about to go read when I received a text from Lucifer to meet in the living room, me and Asmo got there around the same time Lucifer, Mammon, and Levi were already there. Guess we just need to wait on the twins.

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