Chapter 5

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Ash ran and ran and didn't look back once till he reached the entrance of the power plant. Huffing and puffing, he stopped to catch his breath. The power plant seemed to be deserted due to the gang war. Cold drifts of wind whispered their way out of the empty building, taking away with them the anger and frustration Ash felt, and leaving behind guilt and regret. He had said something absolutely horrible to Brock, the person who had always got his back, and to Police Jenny, who saved him. he should turn back, now, and apologise profusely. But will they forgive him? Feeling like he had burnt all bridges and that there was no turning back, Ash ignored the heavy feeling in his chest and dived into the building. Inside the building was pitch black, Ash fumbled inside his waist bag for a while before finally finding the Pokémon he wanted.

'Torkoal, I chose you!'

Torkoal jumped out of his pokeball and blew out a steam of smoke.

'Torkoal can you keep up a small ball of fire so I can see what's around me?' Ash asked.

Torkoal nodded excitedly, obviously happy that Ash had assigned him an important task. Torkoal opened his mouth and a small ball of fire took form, illuminating the surrounding. Ash looked around, perplexed that there was no one was here at all.

'This is so weird, you'd think there would be someone guarding the power plant, considering it's such an important building for the town. Also that man from before, he's a gangster and if he's guarding this place, then this place must be pretty important for the gangs too.' Ash thought out loud.

'Anyways, guys stay on alert and look for the bat-' before Ash could finish talking, everything went pitch black again. Ash's first thought was that Torkoal failed to keep the fire up, but within a flash of a second, he was losing touch with his mind as well and everything went to void.

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