Chapter 8

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'Oh my, thank you so much for the battery! You guys came back just in time! I'll quickly set up a room to treat you, you guys are all ruffled.' Said Nurse Joy.

Brock unexpectedly did not flirt with Nurse Joy this time, he merely nodded and headed to the room with Ash. On their way, they walked past a room and saw Police Jenny in there, resting on her bed. Her room was adorned with flowers – roses, sun flowers, and carnations. On her bed-side table laid many sweets and mouth-watering foods, and Police Jenny seemed to be covered comfortably in a fluffy pink blanket that was quite different from the ordinary Pokémon centre blankets. Ash stopped before the room, his head drooped, and guilt flashed across his face. Brock saw this and placed a hand on his shoulder. Ash looked up at him, and Brock nodded encouragingly at him. Ash gave a little smile, then, turning his gaze back to Police Jenny's room, went inside.

'Police Jenny, may I come in?' asked Ash.

'Ah, it's you, sure. What's the matter?' asked Police Jenny.

Ash stood awkwardly for a second, then said, 'I want to apologise for my behaviour back then. What I said was extremely rude and crass. I really should have thanked you, for saving our lives, yet I...' Ash paused, looking extremely pained and remorseful. He suddenly did a deep bow and shouted out, 'I am very, very sorry, Police Jenny, will you please accept my apology?'

Police Jenny smiled lightly, and said, 'I've heard of you, Ash Ketchum, from my sisters and cousins stationed across the continent, and they've all got nothing but good news and praise about you. So, I believe in you, and I forgive you.'

Ash sighed in relief, and said gratefully, 'thank you so much. However, I don't feel good just doing nothing and accepting the forgiveness. Please, let me help you to get rid of the gangs and clean up the city.'

Police Jenny sized Ash up and down, and this time, her smile truly shone through her eyes. 'As expected, you live up to your name. Alright, I will accept your help.' Police Jenny said.

Ash thanked her gratefully again and left the room, feeling the heavy weight lifted off his shoulders. Outside, he joined Brock and shared the good news with him, then together, they headed for their room.

Once the door was shut with just the two of them in it the room fell into awkward stiffness with both parties gingerly running their feelings in their heads. At last, Ash spoke up.

'Brock.' Ash said, turning to face him. 'I'm sorry, for what I said back there. That was really terrible of me, to say something like that... when you've been taking care of me this whole time...'

Brock kept his eyes fixed on Ash. He had known him since he was ten, and after ten years, Ash still hadn't changed much – he was still as rash, straight forward, and genuine as always. Whatever Ash was feeling he would say it loud out, word for word, and if he was not saying anything, one look at his face and you would know his exact feelings. And that's what Brock loved about Ash, everything was real about him and you never had to guess anything.

'That's alright Ash, I know you didn't mean it,' Brock paused for a second, then asked, 'Ash, can I ask you something?'

Ash nodded.

'Do you perhaps... like me?'

Ash's face lit up bright red upon hearing those words, he fumbled around for a few seconds, laughing awkwardly, and trying to shake off the shock, 'Wh- what are you talking about??? Ahaha... Tha- that's...' then he suddenly quieted down, and said, '...Yeah I do, I like you, Brock.'

Ash's voice was barely above a whisper, but Brock heard him loud and clear, and, not able to suppress his own feelings, he said, loudly, 'I like you.'

Those three words reverberated through the room; three simple syllables, yet they contained so much – laughter, tears, jealousy, determination.

Ash couldn't believe what he heard, he stared at Brock, and asked, 'what?'

'I too, like you, Ash.' Brock said, looking fixedly at him.

'But aren't you straight?' Ash asked, perplexed, he always thought his feelings were one sided, 'if you like me, then why are you always flirting with all the Nurse Joys and Police Jennys?'

Brock smiled bitterly, and said, 'you're alright, it's really quite stupid actually, the reason. Anyways, I owe you an explanation and an apology about that.'

'I've always thought you're amazing, Ash. At first you were just a good friend, but the more time I spent with you, the more I got to know you, I became attracted to you and started having feelings for you. However, as soon as I started developing these feelings I got scared, "what if Ash doesn't like me that way?", "what would I do if Ash rejects me?" these thoughts kept on popping up, disheartening me. So, I decided to put up a front and flirt with the women around me so you wouldn't suspect anything.' Brock explained.

'Now that I think about it, it was a stupid thing to do. Ash, I'm sorry that my behaviour made you sad. However, I really mean it when I say I like you, and I want to be by your side, forever.' Brock said earnestly, his gaze not once leaving Ash.

'I see, well I guess it would've saved the both of us a lot of confusion if you weren't flirting ceaselessly all the time.' Ash said.

Brock nodded apologetically, he then asked, 'so, Ash, what's your answer? Will you be my boyfriend?'

Ash looked at Brock, his eyes lit up and his voice more determined than ever, said, 'yes! Of course!' and ran to embrace Brock, almost knocking him to the ground.

Brock hugged him back tightly, he touched Ash lightly on the face and asked, 'can I kiss you?'

Ash nodded. They leaned into each other and the two pairs of lips pressed together.

On the other side of the room, Pikachu let out a bashful squeal and hid his face underneath a pillow.

'Ah! Pikachu!' 

Baffled Hearts - a Brock x Ash (Pokemon) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now