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I was sitting in the medjack room eating soup, Theresa was doing the same until Newt walked in "umm hey guys, how is it going" "great" Theresa said and smiled at Newt "pretty good" I said "well just checking in, later" he said, I smiled and waved bye.

Later on I asked Theresa if she liked Newt and you know what she said, "well maybe I do or maybe I dont" I glared at her and walked away.

How could she do that to Thomas, just, I need to stop thinking about it, I left the medjack room to go see Newt "hey Newt" "oh hey Ash" "um, I asked if Theresa liked you..." "Why do you sound so casual" I smiled "I'm sorry I'm just trying to not think about it" "why, what did she say?" "Well she said maybe I do maybe I dont.." "oh bloody hell" I smiled at him "lets just hope she doesn't" he nodded.

The runners got back "Hey Thomas" "oh hey Ashley" "So find anything" "well we tried going into the griever hole but everything was going crazy..." "What do you mean crazy Thomas" "nothing just don't worry about it" he tapped my shoulder and left to the map room, I feel like they won't tell me these things because I ain't a runner no more...

We were all eating, but I think the doors should've been closing an hour ago, "hey Minho when do the doors close?" He looked at his watch "in about 20 minutes" I nodded and finished eating...

I fell asleep, then I felt someone shaking me "ASH, WAKE UP NOW" "what" I shot up "what's wrong" "the doors they won't close" I was scared "what do you bloody mean" "I mean they won't close, CMON get up" he helped me up and we both ran to the doors everyone was there just standing there looking at the walls.... then it happend.... a griever came out from the corner and ran straight for us "RUN!!!" one of the boys yelled and we all ran away, it was already dark and then soon enough we were all surrounded by grievers "HIDE" Me, Chuck, Newt, Winston and Minho were all hiding in the cornfield it was quite as hell then a griever grabbed Winston... "WINSTON" I tried grabbing his hand but before I knew it he was gone we ran out of the cornfield and went to the map room.
It's been hours we were in the map room a few more people came in like Gally, Theresa and Thomas...
Then a griever grabbed Chuck, "CHUCK" Thomas yelled out and grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the griever then Newt chopped of his hand and the griever shrieked and ran away, there was dead silence.
The sun was already rising it was still quite some of us even fell asleep, when we walked out of the map room we saw others in the medjack room, there was only about 20 of us who survived...

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