Still an hour till the doors close, but thankfully I got back to the glade. Even though I was dragging Newt by his feet. "HELP GET CLINT AND JEFF, HELP!" I yelled out, and then i saw everyone running towards me.
1 Day later/BROOKE'S POV
Its been one day since newt got stung by a griever, the needle I found is called a serum they had it before, because Gally got stung by a griever before and they found this serum stuff and fixed him.... I was sitting by Newt, he should also heal up in a few days though, apparently he has been hallucinating to. I grabbed Newts hand and started crying, "I'm sorry Newt, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, all you did was care about me, but I didn't show my care for you, I'm sorry...." I kissed him on the forehead while a tear dropped down from my cheek to his, I wiped my tear of and went out of the room.
I woke up and only remembered one thing that, I was running I saw a griever it ran up to me, I tried fighting it off but I couldn't, then it stung me....
I'm pretty sure I was dead, I just know it... then I saw Brooke walk in, I looked at her, she started talking "you're finally up" she said with a cracky voice, I smiled at her and she smiled back, "I've missed you a lot, what if this happens again... Newt I can't live with out you" she said, then that's when it happened... She kissed me and I kissed her.....BROOKE'S POV
Me and Thomas were heading to Newts room to see if he was up and also we had a bowl of soup to give Newt. when we walked into the room Me and Thomas' jaw both dropped, Thomas even dropped the soup "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL" I screamed out, we saw Theresa and Newt kissing each other.....My note
Interesting chapter huh.... OMG now, no bloody shipping Theresa and Newt together that's just wrong !!!

Fascination || The Maze Runner
FanficThis is about a girl named Ashley who wakes up in a box... She starts to have strong feeling for her best friend Newt... But will they make it out of the maze alive.... Find out more SEQUEL~ what happens when they try and go against the scorch and t...