"Hey sorry I'm just really tired" "it's ok um I got you some food just a little we don't have much" I smiled at him then frowned "no thanks but someone else should have it like Sonya or Harriet" he looked down "this was actually Anthony's but he wanted me to give it to you" "ugh Anthony he's so sweet but I can't eat it right now" "oh okay well later" he walked out the door..
I groaned and got up I laughed thinking of Anthony "ugh he just needs to start thinking about himself other than me"
I walked into the washroom and looked at myself I look way more dirtier than before I have dirt on my face and cuts and scratches....
I washed the dirt off but the cuts and scrapes where still holding on.
I walked out of the bathroom and decided to make my bed.
I walked out of the door and into the big room "ugh it smells bloody horrid" I don't know where I picked up bloody from and shank but it just slips out of my mouth mostly when I'm mad.
I saw the group standing by the exit "what happened" Anthony looked back at me "well, it's not good" I pushed my way threw the crowd of boys and girls, there were bricks we were trapped inside of this building "cranks.." Newt said....
"Wait what" "you don't know what cranks are" he said back to me "of course I know what bloody cranks are!" Newt looked down he was smiling."What are we going to do" Anthony asked me we where both in the our room "how should I know?" He shrugged "well..." "I'm gonna go to bed..." I said he nodded and I fell asleep...
A few hours later
I woke up to what sounded like banging and I don't know.
I got up and walked out of my room I saw what looked like a crank "KILL ME"
I grabbed my knife out of my back pocket "KILL ME" that's all he kept screaming..
Then I felt someone grab me it was Newt "what the bloody hell are you doing!" He said to me I pointed at the window were the crank was freaking out he stood there watching it "well maybe we should just leave it.." "and if it comes in" "Ash it won't come in this whole building is covered in bricks except that window" I looked at him confused "Ash?" "I mean um.... Ashley sorry" "it's ok, maybe we should just leave it, it might go away"I woke up and I was obviously the first person up but..
I went to go check if that crank was still there but he wasnt..

Fascination || The Maze Runner
FanficThis is about a girl named Ashley who wakes up in a box... She starts to have strong feeling for her best friend Newt... But will they make it out of the maze alive.... Find out more SEQUEL~ what happens when they try and go against the scorch and t...