Chapter Six - Discharged.
| April |
I sat on the backseat of Joe & Layla's car with Jon beside me while Colby & Celeste sat in the very back of the car. The nurse had bandaged my hand due to the cuts I received from the broken glasses back at the hospital. I stared wistfully outside as the sun shined brightly and there were no clouds in the sky; it was truly a beautiful day. The air conditioner hits me with a cool breeze that makes me feel a bit tingly, it ended up making me shiver in coldness.
Jon wrapped his broad arm around me, "You okay?"
I nodded, "Yeah, just a bit chilly..."
He then began to take off his leather jacket, I instantly stopped him.
"No, I'm fine." I assured, "I'm just cold, you don't need to lend me your jacket."
He chuckled and took off his jacket as he wrapped it around me, "No need to be modest."
I smiled and placed my head on his shoulder, "Thank you, Jonathan."
He gave me a stern look and a frown, "Don't call me that name, April." He sounded serious.
My smile faded as I looked at him curiously, "Why? Jonathan's a very nice name."
"Just don't call me that, okay?" He whispered as he kissed my head gently.
I only nodded in response, not wanting to push him to answer further. As the long drive back to our homes continued, I suddenly felt drowsy and my eyes began to get heavy. I tried fighting it but I lost, and I fell asleep right on Jon's shoulder.
"April..." A voice called as I felt someone shake me.
I groaned in response as my eyes opened slowly, "Ugh."
My vision got a but blurry but I regained it afterwards, my eyes shifted everywhere as I examined my surroundings. I had fallen asleep on Jon's lap and a comfortable pillow was under my head, Jon was fast asleep and all of our friends were wide awake. I slowly stood up, earning assistance from Colby and I thanked him for the help.
"Oh good, you're finally awake." Celeste chirped.
I smiled lightly as I looked at my brunette-haired best friend.
Celeste is very jolly and loves to make people laugh. No wonder I'm best friends with her, she's freaking awesome. She loves video games, comic books and cosplaying like me. Our friendship was meant to be! I'm very lucky to have her because she has been my best friend since we were toddlers and I could still be lost without her guidance and the help of others. She's a true leader and best friend.
I rubbed my eyes and let out a yawn as I examined my surroundings again.
"Uh, where are we?" I asked groggily as another yawn escaped my mouth.
"We're in your home." Colby responded as he smiled and got out of the back with Celeste.
Colby's the quirky one. He's very smart, obedient, diligent and sophisticated. I'm not surprised Celeste and him are together though, even though I can't exactly remember that much about everyone. Colby and Celeste are meant to be, they will have so many happy memories together - just like Jon & I used to have - and I'm happy that they are happy.
The door slid from the side as Layla & Joe helped unload our stuff from in the car. I looked at my loving husband, who was sound and peacefully asleep, his adorable sleeping face is such a stress-killer. I grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek as I caressed my hand through his hand, I then shook him so that he may wake up.

Amnesia *WWE*
FanfictionDo you ever just think back to the moments in your life, where everything was actually falling into place? Everything was actually starting to get perfect? Everything was in peace, less drama more joy?