Chapter Eight - Secrets

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| April |

Ever since that surprise party that Jon threw for me, I felt happier considering my condition. And the sweet part is, every day he threw a party for me.

"Happy 2nd birthday..."

"Happy 3rd birthday..."

"Happy 4th birthday..."

"Happy 5th birthday..."

And it never gets old. I still get surprised every single day because what Jon doesn't know is I forget every single time he threw me a party. I think my amnesia is getting worst. I keep forgetting how things work at the house and I always forget what my friends say only after 20 seconds.

I just couldn't tell him because everytime he threw me a birthday party, I could see how happy he was whrn presenting me my cake. He put a lot of effort in every single party yet I forget about it the next day.

Headaches are natural right about now for me, migraines most of the time. I can't tell the others because it will only worry them. I just shake it off and think it's natural since I have amnesia.

... Who's Jon again?


It was Fall time, it has been days since Jon threw me my 22nd birthday and I was so lucky to still have him by my side. He never left my side, that is why I like him so much.

I was sitting on the couch, my legs crossed as I watched Family Guy with Jon. Silence filled the room, it was thick and it made mr nervous.

What if he was sick of me?

What if he's tired of taking care of me?

What if he wants to leave me?

I suddenly sniffled, catching Jon's attention. He scoots near me and wraps his arm around me.

"What's wrong babe?" Jon asked worriedly, "Is the death of Brian affecting you so much?"

I sniffled, "Yes, but that's not really why I'm crying."

"Then what's upsetting my princess?" Jon joked, chuckling slightly.

I looked at him, I lost my train of thought just by looking at him.

"Are you getting tired of me?" I asked, which made Jon's eyes widened.

"What the hell? Of course not! Why on earth would you ask that?" Jon asked i  disbelief.

"I-I know I'm slow and fragile but you can tell me if you want to leave me. I don't want to burden you, Jon. You have been nothing but a total gentleman and sweetheart toward me while I have been nothing but a pathetic wife to you. I-I'm sorry." I cried.

Jon pulls me into a hug, wrapping his broad arms around me as I cried silently, "Don't even say that April. I love you and will do anything to have you cured. I'll never get tired of serving you. You've been there when I was mostly weak, when I felt helplessly. We had our ups and downs but damn, we came out stronger than glue. I love you, please don't ever think I will get tired of you because I will never do." Jon promised.

"I'm the luckiest girl to have you, Jon." I sniffled, smiling up at him.

He smirked and kissed my forehead, "I'm the luckiest guy to have you, April." He smiled at me, showing his dimples.

I'm so lucky to have Jon. <3

| Jon |

These past few weeks have been truly stressful for me. I have to make sure that April finally remembers everything so I throw her a birthday party everyday until she reaches her real birthday.

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