~Chapter 4~ Secret Revealed..

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EYYY I BACK FROM BEING DEAD!! welp sorry for not doing this story when I CLEARLY said I will..... well I hope you're all doing good and now yE. (dont forget to check out my ¨The Music Family¨ Story fanfic :D if you want-) NOW WE CONTINUES XD (oh btw the picture credits to the rightful owner ;w;)

¨NO WAY!¨ ¨Boss is dating someone?!?! and its a boy! :O¨ Stephen said in surprised

¨YES! Caught him red handed U-U¨ They both spend most of their time talking about how Torcher was dating someone. ¨And then there going to get married-¨ Chris stopped talking and he realized the pigs that hurt Soldier was coming towards them. ¨What are you dorks talking about...¨ He said. ¨N-none of youre buissness! Leave us alone go bother someone else if you dont have anything to do then fool around...¨ Chris said at the group of pigs. ¨EXCUSE ME?! You're just like that brat Soldier... Oh you are going to pay you little piece of sh*...¨  He said while walking towards Chris and Stephen. When he was about to punch him they suddenly heard someone. ¨HEY! LEAVE THEM ALONE!¨ They all look at who said that and it was Soldier.

Stephen and Chris sighed in relief while the other group of pigs looked at him and the oldest pig went up to him in such a serious tone. He was ANGRY ¨Oh~... Look who it is... The little squirm who tried to play tough last time.. What are you going to do go cry to someone? You have no one!! And you're weak as hell you can do NOTHING!¨ He said while slapping Soldier. Stephen and Chris gasped and were terrified on what was going to happen next.. ¨Youre right I can't do anything..¨ Soldier said in a tone on trying not to cry while touching his cheek at the same time. ¨But he can..¨ Soldier Grin and the taller and stronger pig came along. It was Torcher. 

The group of pigs backed up a bit sweating nervously. ¨B-Boss! I mean Torcher!- How are you heh?!...¨ Torcher walked up to the group while holding Soldier behind him. Stephen and Chris quickly also went behind Torcher because they were being scaredy cats. ¨What the FU* DO YOU THINK ARE YOU DOING?! THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE HERE!¨ He said in an angry tone. Torcher was absolutely FURIOUS. ¨You know what! YOU THE WHOLE GROUP IN MY FREAKING OFFICE THIS INSTANT?!¨ He said while leading the rude group of pigs to his office. ¨I'll talked to you guys later while I deal with these shits..¨ Torcher said as leaving.

¨Oh god Soldier! Thank god for bringing Torcher here! If you didn't came I think we would of turned into pork.. heh¨ Chris said as he was quietly chuckling in a nervous tone. ¨Ah, no problem guys! so um Chris sorry of what the heck you had too see earlier heh-..¨ ¨Oh its fine heh-¨ ¨Oh you're talking about how you and boss are dating right?¨ Stephen said while Chris gave him the stern eye aka the sHuT uP eye. ¨Wait.. YOU TOLD HIM?!?!¨ Soldier yelled while his face was red like a tomato. ¨Oh goodness? It was real!? Oh my goodness how is it? Have you guys fu-¨ Stephen said while Soldier interrupted him. ¨NO!? WE HAVE ONLY KISSED NOTHING THAT FAR!...¨ ¨But be honest you know you want to do all of that~¨ Stephen and Chris said in sync at Soldier while smirking. ¨N-no.. Okay fine it will be a dream.. me calling his name~... oh god..¨ Chris and Stephen started laughing. ¨Huh Why are you guys laughing??¨ Soldier asked. Stephen and Chris pointed behind Soldier, and Soldier still confused. He then heard a cough.

¨Am I interrupting  something?~..¨ Torcher said behind Soldier. Soldier look back too see Torcher there. Soldier face turned red. Torcher hugged Soldier while chuckling. Soldier placed his head on Torcher chest in embarrassment. ¨Oooo~ Secret exposed~¨ Stephen and Chris both said in sync. They all laughed while Soldier still flushed in embarrassment.

YES I FINISHED THIS CHAPTER! XD I was lisenting to Halmiton while writing this!~  Now Im sleepy ;w; Have a good night or day or afternoon on wherever you are in this world! Don't forget to check my series ¨The Music Family¨  About the Music Freaks inspired by the series RosyClosy made! :D Well now goodbye! (730 words)

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