💙 Episode 6: Cure Moonlight is back! 💙

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Scene 1

*One day in Yuri's house (in Kibougahana)*
Yuri (Tsukikage): Hi! I'm Yuri Tsukikage! Well, in my house, it's just me and my Mother. My Father, Sabaku, disappear in just a few months ago. I never went to school because of lack of funds. I was working in order to finish schooling.
Haruna (Tsukikage): Yuri?
Yuri: Yes?
Haruna: Do you want to go back to school again?
Yuri: Yes, but it seems like we don't have money anymore like we used to.
Haruna: If only if the business I worked in didn't close a years ago.
Yuri: You have a point.
Haruna: Can you watch over the house while I'm gone?
Yuri: Okay! Why?
Haruka: I have to buy groceries.
*4 minutes later*
Yuri: *To Haruna* Bye, Mother!
Haruna: Goodbye! *leaves the house*
Yuri: *sighs* I have to watch something cool. *opens a TV*
The reporter (from the TV): Breaking news! A monster named "Desertrian" wrecks havoc in the downtown! Better not to go there until the heroes save the day.
Yuri: Oh, no! I have to go!

Scene 2

*A few minutes later in the downtown*
Desertrian (Car): Desertrian! *fires a wheel at the townspeople*
*the townspeople runs away*
*The Desert Apostles No. 2 laugh*
Usajacky: I summon the monsters great!
Rakuda: Let's see if the Precures fight the monster.
*Magical, Heart, Star, Ange, and Pine make a scene*
Cure Heart: Stop right there!
The Desert Apostles No. 2: Huh?!
Komorina: Well, well, well, you guys are here again!
*Yuri hides behind the tree while spying on the Desert Apostles, Magical, Heart, Star, Ange, and Pine*
Cure Star: *To the Desert Apostles No. 2* Precures, of course!
Usajacky: Let's see if you guys can handle the fight! *To the Desertrian* Desertrian, better fight off the Precu-
Yuri: *shows herself* Stop!
Everyone (except Yuri): Huh?!
Rakuda: Are you...
Yuri: Yes. I'm Yuri Tsukikage, a former Precure named Cure Moonlight! Better stop wrecking havoc around the town!
Cure Ange: Cure Moonlight?
Cure Magical: *To Ange* Don't tell me she's a Precure, too.
Usajacky: *To Yuri* I don't care what you say, dearie. Well, are you Professor Sabaku's daughter?
Yuri: Yes. I am. Do you see him?!
Komorina: Of course we saw him. He's our master now. We already planned to turn the world into a desert with him.
*Yuri cries*
Magical, Heart, Star, Ange, and Pine: Huh?!
Usajacky: That's right. Just cry now. Goodbye! *To the Desertrian* Let's go, Desetrian!
*The Car Desertrian and the Desert Apostles No. 2 leaves the scene*
Cure Pine: They escaped!
Cure Star: *To Yuri* Yuri, are you okay?
*Yuri runs away*
Cure Magical: Yuri, come back here!
*Magical, Heart, Star, Ange, and Pine follow Yuri*
Mofurun 2: *To Mofurun* They're in big trouble.
Mofurun: Yeah. Let's follow Magical and the others.

Scene 3

*A few minutes later at the park*
Yuri: *sighs* My father got disappeared because he became evil again?
???: Yuri!
Yuri: Huh?! Who's there?!
*Riko, Mana, Hikaru, Saaya, and Inori make a scene*
Hikaru: We're here to comfort you, Yuri.
Yuri: Are you guys...
Mana: The one who battled the monster earlier is us!
Inori: I can't imagine that you are a Cure, too!
Yuri: Yeah. Wait. All five of you are...
Riko: Yes. We are Pretty Cures, just like you. We may don't know everything about the Desertrian, but this is not the first time we encountered that monster.
Yuri: Desertrian is formed from the person's wilted Heart Flower.
Sharuru: And how does the Heart Flower is wilted ~sharu?
Yuri: Out of frustation and distress.
Hikaru: I'm glad you know everything about the Desertrian.
Yuri: Yes, because I'm the longest active Precure, and now since there are no troubles now, I decided to give up my power. My friends, namely Tsubomi (Hanasaki), Itsuki (Myodouin), and Erika (Kurumi), also did the same.
Saaya: Is that the reason why those villains know your identity?
Yuri: Yeah. I may barely knew those three person since they're kinda new, but I knew that since they are the servants of my Father, he told them about me or even my Mother.
Riko, Mana, Hikaru, Saaya, and Inori: Oh!
Sharuru: That makes sense ~sharu.
Yuri: What makes you say that?
Sharuru: I guess he didn't stop thinking about you or your Mommy despite being evil because you two are his family ~sharu.
Inori: Charles has a point.
Yuri: I think I feel relieved now. Thank you.
Hikaru: You're always welcome, Yuri!
*Mofurun 2 and Mofurun make a scene*
Mofurun: *To Riko, Mana, Hikaru, Saaya, and Inori* You left us behind ~mofu. You make me and my Big Sis Mofu-two sad ~mofu.
Mofurun 2: Riko cannot transform into a Precure without me, remember?
Mana: Sorry, Mofurun, Mofu-two. Yuri needs comfort.
Mofurun: Who is Yuri ~mofu? *points at Yuri* That girl ~mofu?
Saaya: Yes! Sorry if we forgot to come near you earlier.
Mofurun: It's fine ~mofu! Mofu-two can use magic to make a broom ~mofu.
Riko: I'm glad that she knew how. Wait...
Sharuru, Riko, Mana, Hikaru, Saaya, and Inori: She can do magic?!
Mofurun 2: Yes!
Yuri: Well, I guess I have to go back to my house. If you guys wanna come with me, it's fine.
Hikaru: I wanna go!
Mana: I wanna, too!
Inori: Me too!
Saaya: Me three!
Riko: I wanna meet new friends.
Yuri: Okay.

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