💙 Episode 8: We're going to Magic World! 💙

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Riko: Good day, everyone! My name is Riko!
Mana: I'm Mana!
Hikaru: I'm Hikaru!
Saaya: I'm Saaya!
Inori: I'm Inori!
Yuri: I'm Yuri!
Akane: I'm Akane!
The Angelic Team: We are the Angelic Team!
Hikaru: Fun fact: Angelic Team isn't our original group name.
Saaya: That's right! Good thing Mana decided to rename the group.
Hikaru: Yes, because "Magical Team" literally mentions Riko but in her Cure name.
Saaya: *To Riko* Sorry about Hikaru.
Riko: It's fine, Saaya. Anyways, if you wanna see Mirai's own team, great them. Her group's name is Harmonic Team.

Scene 1

*One day in Mana's house (in Oogai Town)*
Hikaru: *To Fuwa* So, Fuwa, what is the name of our team if you still remember?
Fuwa: Angelic Team ~fuwa!
Hikaru: That's right!
Saaya: Good thing Mana changed the group name from "Magical Team" to "Angelic Team".
Riko: Yeah. Magical Team is a lame name. No offense.
Mana: That's okay! Besides, I'm not good at naming groups.
Inori: What are you talking about, Mana? You are better in naming groups. The word "Angelic" fits for our Team.
Yuri: Now that you said it, yes!
Hikaru: And also, since we are the Angelic Team, I think that our motifs should be heavenly?
Sharuru: Good thinking ~sharu.
Chiffon: Yeah!
Hikaru: Heh!
Riko: I forgot to tell you, guys! I must go to the Magic World, but I won't stay there for long. Big sis Liz needs me in her lessons.
Akane: That's it!
Riko, Mana, Hikaru, Saaya, Inori, and Yuri: Huh?!
Akane: What if we all go to the Magic World? That is where we get to hangout for the first time as a group?
Hikaru: Twincool! It would be awesome, Akane!
Saaya: I wanna go, too!
Inori: Me, too!
Mana: Me three!
Yuri: If you guys go, I will also go.
Riko: O-Okay! You can come with me if you want.
Fuwa: Better teach us on how to use magic ~fuwa!
Riko: O-Okay!
Yuri: So, you came to another world, I suppose?
Riko: I came there. That world is where I was born.
Mana, Hikaru, Saaya, Inori, Yuri, and Akane: Oh!
Mana: I see.
Chiffon: I wanna go there!
Inori: No worries, Chiffon. We'll go there.
Riko: You guys have to ride on a snail train.
Mana, Hikaru, Saaya, Inori, Yuri, and Akane: Really?
Riko: Yes!

Scene 2

*A few hours later in the snail train*
Mana: How long can we get there?
Riko: It depends, but I guess we'll be there in 30 minutes or so.
Akane: Yes! I can't wait to be there and use magic.
Riko: But, Akane, we have to be careful or else people will figure out.
Inori: Shouldn't you guys minimize using Magic in the human world?
Hikaru: No fair. I wanna create a spaceship using magic.
Yuri: No worries, Hikaru. I'm sure Riko will use magic when the coast is clear. *To Riko* Right, Riko?
Riko: Yes.
Saaya: Once we get back, I will write my experience in the diary.
Fuwa: Go ahead ~fuwa. I'm looking forward to it ~fuwa!
Hikaru: It's decided! Once we get the wand, we will practice magic!
Riko: Hikaru, only the people from Magic World can wield the wand.
Akane: No fair. What about Mirai? She has a magic wand even if she's not in your world.
Yuri: Maybe because Mirai was designated to be the protectors along with Riko?
Riko: Correct. We were called as "Legendary Witches" instead of "Legendary Warriors". I can't transform without Mofurun and Mirai that time.
Sharuru: But regardless, you guys are still Precures ~sharu.
Saaya: Even if you got to transform alone now, you still can't transform without Mofu-two, right?
Riko: Yeah.
Mana: Didn't I tell you guys about Regina?
Hikaru, Saaya, Inori, Yuri, and Akane: Huh?!
Hikaru: Regina? Who's that?
Riko: Mana's best friend. She went to sleep in her house twice a week.
Hikaru: Twincool! I wish I can meet her!
Mana: Don't worry! You will!
Inori: *while watching through the window* I think we got arrived in the Magic World! I saw the ground.
Riko: If that's the case, get ready!

Scene 3

*Several minutes later in Riko's house (in Magic World)*
Liz: *while fixing the things* Riko and the others will be here soon. I have to fix this right away.
Lian: Will Riko arrive here?
Liz: Yes, in a minute or two.
Lilia: I guess you miss Riko, do you?
Liz: Yes, Mother. I suppose you and Father miss her very much.
Lian: We admit. Your Mother and I miss her.
Liz: See. Anyways, I have to go to my boyfriend's house right after Riko leaves. Is that okay for you?
Lilia: Yes, we do.
Lian: We allowed you to marry since you're a grown up.
*someone knocks the door*
Liz: It must be Riko. I'll open it! *opens the door**sees the Angelic Team* Huh?!
Mana: Hello! You must be Liz, Riko's older sister?
Liz: Ye-Yes! I'm Riko's older sister. *To Riko* Riko, I'm glad you're here now.
Riko: Same to you, Big Sis.
Liz: Anyways, where's Mirai?
Riko: She's off gone with her own friends out there. I think they went to Dojo in Pikarigaoka?
Liz: I see. Can you tell who are the other six?
Riko: Sure. They're my new friends!
Liz: *To Mana, Hikaru, Saaya, Inori, Yuri, and Akane* Can you guys tell me your names? I'm curious!
Mana: My name is Mana Aida!
Saaya: I'm Saaya Yakushiji!
Akane: I'm Akane Hino!
Inori: My name's Inori Yamabuki!
Hikaru: I'm Hikaru Hoshina!
Yuri: Um... Yuri Tsukikage!
Liz: Oh! I bet the two of us get along very well. You are so polite and calm, Yuri.
Yuri: Are we in the same age because I'm three years older than Riko and the other five?
Liz: I'm much older than you by somewhat three years. I was a student teacher ever since Riko entered Middle School.
Riko: Big Sis Liz and I have an age difference by 6-7 years.
Mana, Hikaru, Saaya, Inori, Yuri, and Akane: Oh!
Liz: But when Riko enters college, I became fully a teacher.
Hikaru: Twincool!
Saaya: I can't believe you successfully became a teacher.
Inori: This is amazing!
Liz: Thanks!
Akane: Do you have any love interest, Big Sis?
Liz: Why are you interested in that topic?
Akane: Nothing! Just out of curiosity.
Liz: Why yes! I even plan to get married in probably a few months from now.
Riko: Have you cook some food? My friends are hungry.
Liz: Yes! Guess you don't mind the food.
Sharuru: I love food ~sharu!
*The Angelic Team giggles*
Mana: So do I!

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