Chapter Seven: The Stove

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(I am so sorry that this came later than usual. I haven't had the easiest couple of days, and even though I had this entire chapter planned out, I couldn't make myself physically write it. I feel better today, which is why I wanted to get this out as soon as I could make myself. I'm so very sorry you guys, I promised you a consistent upload schedule,  and I wanna try and keep that. I really do want to do this for you guys, you're all so sweet :). Okie, that's enough blabbering, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Enjoy the chapter :))

   "Nerd?" Tubbo asked, blinking in surprise at the box. 

   Dream shot forward at the speed of light, smiling wide as he leaned closer to the box. "Techo?" He asked, nervous excitement flaring up in his chest. The three living watched as the meter on the spirit box jumped, pulsing up and down with the sound of a static-y laugh. 

   "No, your box is just broken and you're hallucinating," Techno commented. He floated beside the box, grinning at Dream though he couldn't see. He'd certainly gotten older, not by much but more than Techno had himself. His hair had grown out slightly longer, and he had a thin white scar bridged across his nose. But aside from that much, he looked the same. He still looked just as he had when Techno was still alive. 

   Dream laughed, not like the wheezing kind he had described to the boys earlier, this was one of surprise. "Oh my god--you're here, you guys are actually still here?" He asked, practically tearing his book out from  underneath his jacket. 

   The spirit box made a sharp static noise, possibly laughter. "Where would we go?" Another voice asked. Tommy and Tubbo exchanged looks once again. The realization that they were living in the home of three ghosts was still settling in slowly. 

   Dream was frantically writing, his hand was flying across the page. "Wilbur?" He asked. "Is that you? Is Phil there--you're all here?" 

   Some inaudible chatter came through the speakers, feedback cutting it off. Eventually, a message got through. "Dream, breathe." A third voice stated. "Yes, we're all still here," he said. 

   "We never left!" Wilbur supplied. Techno watched him flip through the air, bustling around as always. He grinned and swooped down, coming up behind the two boys and patting their heads. "These guys just showed up though," The box glitched out. 

   Tommy jumped when he felt the seeping cold at the top of his skull. All those cold spots, random disturbances and anything of the like...had all been dead people? "So--wait, wait, hold on, you were all just, just chilling here without saying anything?" He asked. 

   "We're dead, Tommy," The first voice, 'Techno' said. "We weren't just 'chilling'."

   Tommy narrowed his eyes, looking around the room aimlessly since he couldn't actually see where the ghost was. "Oh yeah? How do you know my name then?" He asked them. 

   "You live in our house...?" The last voice, 'Phil', Tubbo thought his name was, said. Tommy unnarrowed his eyes and blinked. 

   "Oh," he said. 

   Dream looked up from his journal, looking in the general direction of the box since he couldn't actually see them. "I'm sorry, I can't believe you guys are actually here! I...I thought maybe you would have gone by now, and maybe I was too late." 

   There was nothing but silence for a few moments. Everything felt still, the chill Tommy and Tubbo had felt had since moved on, which only served to make them wonder where the ghost had gone now. Finally, the box's monitor spiked. "Is that why no one ever at least comes by?" Techno asked through. "They just thought to...move on?"

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