Chapter Three: The Man In The Blade

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(Bruh...the SMP has me so sad right now XD XD)

   Tubbo had honestly not known what to expect when Tommy had told him about the attic. His imagination had filled his head with stereotypical scenarios of spiderwebs and falling apart wooden planks without hesitation. He supposed part of that instant appearance had come into his head due to the chilling ambience of their previous conversation. 

   Despite his apparent intrigue at the discovery of the attic door, Tommy actually hadn't moved away from the kitchen for a while. He and Tubbo stayed in some sort of stuck silence, more occasionally than not glancing at the newspaper article again. Family of three. The statement was chilling for sure, not helping with the random bursts of cold that the boys could feel wash over themselves. 

   It had taken a moment for them to get through it and move on. Tommy had tried to  bring back up the energy, shaking it off and claiming he'd found a portal to another world. For the sake of not wanting to be sad over something neither of them had any control over, Tubbo had laughed along and agreed with the statement. "Sure Tommy," he'd said, nodding his head. "What do you have for me?" 

   Turns out, what Tommy had for Tubbo was a case of intense curiosity.  The attic door was at the end of the hall on the second story, right next to the third room. Tubbo wasn't sure how he hadn't seen it before, the door made a small rectangular bulge underneath the newly plastered conventional ceiling.  "Oh wow, you weren't kidding," he said.

   Tommy looked over at him, frowning slightly. "What, you thought I was?" He asked, and walked over so he was directly underneath the ceiling. "Help me open this up." He said, reaching up and trying to tap the door. 

   "How? You're taller than me," Tubbo stated, confused as tp what Tommy wanted him to do. 

   His friend gave him a flat look and blew a raspberry. "I know that," he said and looked back up at the door melded into the cream colored ceiling. "But, least you could do is get on my shoulders and pull it Tubbo."

   Tubbo's eyes widened just a little. "I'm sorry, you want me to what?" He asked, looking away from the ceiling and back to Tommy. 

   "Get on my shoulders and pull the handle, I thought that's what I said the first time," Tommy said, and without waiting for an answer crouched down on the ground. "Okay, just climb on and then pull," he instructed. 

   He did promise no peace...Tubbo thought to himself as he sighed, walking behind Tommy and praying he wasn't about to die. "Okay...if you say so..." he said, and cautiously moved to put himself onto Tommy's shoulders. When he'd successfully made it on top without dying, he smiled to himself. "Hey Toms, this isn't that--" he started, words cut off by a surprised yelp.

   Tommy had stood up fairly quickly, trying to keep his balance. "Tubbo, that doesn't help anything!" He said when he found himself looking through his friend's fingers that were wrapped around his head for support.

   "Then don't stand up so quickly--that doesn't help anything either!" Tubbo responded, and after getting himself back together, finally uncovered Tommy's eyes. 

   "Tubbo, please. I know exactly what I'm doing, trust me!" Tommy declared as Tubbo carefully reached upwards to find the handle. 

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