Chapter Two: Weird Noises And A Newspaper

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   "This place is poggers!" Tommy declared as he and Tubbo entered the house. They were carrying their bags into the foyer and taking a look around. Tubbo did have to agree with Tommy, it looked really nice inside. 

   The foyer shifted into a small decently-narrow hallway, a new looking carpet spreading out into a living room at the end. The whole house immediately seemed new and refurnished, albeit slightly dusty and unused. The living room lead out sideways to a kitchen dining room hybrid, and the far left wall had a staircase set that split off near the top and turned to the left. "It's so big," Tubbo commented as he set down his bags, looking around the living room. There was a couch and a coffee table, all the staples you would expect. The only thing that made him slightly uncomfortable was the lack, that the room, and house, gave off. It felt cold and empty. 

   "And it's all to ourselves for a whole summer!" Tommy practically shouted this as he unceremoniously tossed his bag into the nearby wall. It collided with the wood and dropped to the ground, blowing up just a little bit of dust in its wake. Tommy didn't seem to notice as he zipped into the adjoining kitchen, quick to check out as much as he could. "Isn't this awesome Tubbo?" He called.

   "Oh, it totally is!" Tubbo called after him, careening his neck up a little to see up the staircase. He glanced towards the kitchen once before starting to head up the stairs. They creaked, ever so slightly, but like there was some damage ever present underneath all the new upgrades. Tubbo couldn't help but thinking the entire house gave off that aura as he headed up the stairway. 

   He'd made it to the first 'platform' right before the last small flight of steps before he stopped. He suddenly felt cold, a deep icy feeling rushing into his bones. He wrinkled his nose at the unwelcome feeling and looked around. He was wearing a green polo shirt and shorts--because it was summer, it was warm out and L'Manburg had proven to be no exception to these weather conditions. He knew it was rather warm outside, but for a brief moment, he felt like maybe he'd been plunged outside in a snowstorm. 

   As fast as the feeling had come, it vanished, leaving Tubbo to believe maybe he'd imagined it. But, how do you imagine a feeling so intense? He shook it off--again, it was probably just his imagination...somehow. 

   He headed up the few steps and looked side to side down another hallway. The upstairs was obviously intended to be more of a living space, though just like the rest of the house it carried an empty feeling. Tubbo could see a few doors, three on the front facing wall and one near where he stood. The ones farthest to the left of the hallway and in the middle were both shut, as was the one near Tubbo. But the last door all the way to the right was left open, light filtering from a window inside out into the hallway.

   There was a sound. Very quiet--was that a bird? It sounded to smooth to be a bird, but it didn't sound like a natural sound either. He leaned forwards a little to see if he could pinpoint where it was coming from. Tubbo would was a little creepy.

   "BOO!" Tubbo screamed and jumped a good couple centimeters in the air. He whirled around to see Tommy behind him, covering his mouth as he laughed at his friend's reaction.

   "Tommy! That wasn't funny!" Tubbo said, putting a hand to his chest. He narrowed his eyes and tried to recompose himself, looking at his friend.

   "I'm sorry, you just looked so easy to scare! You--Tubbo, c'mon, you were standin' by the staircase looking around ominously, that's an easy prank!" Tommy attempted to defend himself, still snickering off the last of his amusement. After finally calming down, he gave a sigh and pursed his lips. "Seriously though, what's wrong--you okay Big Man?" 

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