🚫Beast(Kuguri x Daishou)🚫

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Requested by:kookieyungi

Daishou's POV

Aahhh! Finally a free day. I haven't seen my boyfriend in sooo long. I miss him so much. I decided to visit him. He is kinda lazy so he never really take the initiative to contact me or go on a date. I am more like a mom to him than his boyfriend. I freshened up and set out to his place.

I knocked on his door. No response. I bet this boy is still sleeping. I knocked a bit louder. Still no response. It's getting on my nerves. I called out,"Kuguri I know you are in there. Get your ass out here before I break in." Thats when I heard a raspy,sleepy voice,"Daishou-san?" I sighed and said,"Who else baka?!" He slowly opened the door and I looked at him angrily. He looked up scratching his bedhead. He said,"You finished studies early? Are your exams over?" I looked at him skeptically and said,"I specifically mentioned that my exam ends today and I am gonna visit you." He just said Oh. I got infuriated.

I said,"Well it seems like I am not welcomed here. So I will leave you to sleep." I started walking away from the door when suddenly a strong paid of hands hugged me from the back. I squirmed in his hold and said,"Let go Kuguri." I heard him say in his raspy voice,"I am sorry Daishou-san. I just.......I couldn't believe you came. You were so busy these days that I felt really lonely. I......I uhm I really wanted to hold you. But I was afraid that I would hamper you studies. I just couldn't believe that you were here......I-" I smiled at his cute rant and turned around to engulf him in hug. I said,"I missed you too idiot."

*Smut starts*

Out of nowhere he slammed his lips onto mine and started sucking on my bottom lips asking for entrance. I am shocked so I couldn't do anything. As I slowly got my head around it,he tugged at it again. I wanted to tell him to slow down but instead I yelped when his hand that had travelled under my shirt twisted my nipple. He took that chance to slip in his tongue and explore every corner of my mouth. Wow! I missed his kisses. I returned the kiss in full force. He slightly lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He slipped his hands into my pants and started caressing my butthole. I shuddered under his touch. Thats when we heard a "Tch,teenagers these days." I just realised that we are practically going at it outside his apartment. I glowed red in embarassment. But Kuguri is still sucking and biting my neck making me want to moan any time now. I nudged his chest and said,"Uhn..hmm.. Kuguri people are watching....ah~" He just mumbled,"Let them."

What? What the actual fvuk? I won't lie I felt strangely excited when he said that. But that's not right at all. I said,"Baby please let's go inside." He groaned and roughly opened the door and slammed it. He swiftly carried me to the kitchen counter and said,



I said,"Wha-Kuguri that's ah-" He pushed my head down on the counter and ripped my clothes off. He hoisted my leg up on the counter. Oofff,Imma gonna die of embarassment. I felt something wet and hot enter my butthole. Aah,I didn't clean up properly. I said,"Kuguri I didn't clean up properly." I could only hear,"Mmhm" He darted his tongue in and out making swirling motions. Omg! I moaned at how good it felt. He continued his assault and then I felt his fingers being inserted. He cursed and said,"Shit! Daishou-san you have become so tight." I blushed and said,"Well we haven't done it in awhile so..." He replied,"Mmhm then I will be gentle."

He thrust his fingers quickly and expertly. He knew where to hit exactly to make me go overboard. Thats why when he suddenly hit my prostate I gave out a happy shriek. I couldn't see him but I felt that he is smirking. After a few more thrusts,he pulled his fingers out. I whined at the loss of his touch. I felt the tip of his erection poking my back. He slowly entered me and white hot pain shot through my body. I felt his hands massage my back and he gave butterfly kisses all over my bare back.

I sighed at how gentle he is being. Once I adjusted to his size,I nodded and he started thrusting in. He went in gently and slowly thrusting me. After awhile I got impatient. I said,"Kuguri faster! Please." As soon as I said it,he started slamming in monster speed hitting my prostate witht every thrust. I lewdly screamed out,"AHH.. KUGU.....FASTER..AHN..PLEASE..FU...MMMHM!FASTER..HA~"

He continued with the thrusts and I felt myself coming. I said,"Kugu I am gonna cum." He said,"Me too." He hit my prostate with the last thrust and I came all over the counter. I felt a hot liquid fill my insides. Both of us panted. He slowly turned me to face him and he said,"I am sorry for cumming inside you Daishou-san." I smiled which apparently came out very lewd and said,"It's okay. I don't mind." I saw him blush. I leaned in to kiss him and he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him pationately. I felt something poke my back.

I looked at him shocked. He blushed and said,"Well I was pent up." I laughed at his cuteness. I held onto his neck and lined my hole to his member. I saw him getting wide eyes. I said,"Then let your senpai take care of you kouhai." He nodded and I slid down his member. I hissed at the pain but started thrusting my hips in up and down motion anyway. I watched as he groaned and panted. I overlapped his lips with mine and he moaned deeply.

After thrusting for awhile,my legs gave out. He carried me to the couch and laid me over there facing him. He started thrusting at a very fast pace until both of us came again. This how we almost covered the whole night having sex on any surface possible in his apartment. Even when we decided to clean up,we ultimately ended up having sex in the bathroom too. Not that I am complaining but I am sure I won't be able to walk for a week. On the other hand,Kuguri seems very happy. When we were having sex in his bed,I asked him to to take a break but he for the first time in his life(I think) said something so vulgar. He said,"I won't stop until I fill you up with my cum Daishou-san." I am still blushing remembering that.

*Smut ends*

Kuguri asked laying down my side,"What happened? Are you sick senpai?" I shook my head in a no and said,"I seriously didn't know you are such a beast in bed." He just smirked and kissed my forehead.



I am sooorrry for being so late. I will write the Sunahina Part 3(smut) next. My exams are over so I can write all I want. Yaayy!! This is an unique ship request I got. So if it's bad pleasse forgive me😣. Comment if you like it or wanted something else with it. I will try and rectify them.

Stay safe,healthy and socially distanced.

Author out 👁️👄👁️

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