Darth Sidious

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"He mentioned a name, Darth Sidious."

"Who is this Sidious?"

"I do not know much but I will share with you what the council suspects."

"Darth Sidious is the sith lord who orchestrated the clone wars and played both sides of it from the beginning. I first learned the name from Count Dooku, though any chance of learning more about Sidious from Dooku has been lost."


"Because Count dooku is dead. Anakin killed him while rescuing the chancellor. With Dooku gone we've lost a vital link to understanding the mystery of darth Sidious. If you can capture Maul, he may be able to provide the missing pieces to this puzzle."

"Then send me more men."

"Unfortunately, I cannot, I'm being sent to hunt down General Grevious on Utapau."

"What about Anakin? Maybe he can reinforce us."

"May I speak to Ahsoka, alone for a moment?"

Rex and Bo walked off.

"Anakin's on a special assignment by order of the jedi council."

"What kind of assignment?"

"He's been instructed to observe the chancellor and report his findings."

"Observe, you mean spy. They told him to spy on the supreme chancellor? Why?"

"The senate has allowed the supreme chancellor to remain in office long after his term has expired. The council wants to know what his true intentions are."

"The chancellor has been a great friend and mentor to Anakin, I can't imagine he is happy about this."

"No, he is not. So perhaps it's best that you do speak with him."

"And what? Defend the council's actions? I hardly think I'm the best person for that."

"Ahsoka, the council, isn't always right, that is why I am asking for your help."

"Sorry to interrupt, but there's been an attack."

"You had best go."

"Tell Anakin..." (About Caleb)

"I will."

"We got ambushed in our attempt to reinforce the entry points on C-deck."

"Rex, make sure C-deck is properly fortified."

He nodded.


"I'm here trooper, Sterling, isn't it?"

"Yes. You need to know. Maul. He...he went through us, one by one. He was asking about you. The arc trooper, Jesse. Maul realized he was older, somehow looked in his mind. And he took him. He took Jesse alive."

"Thank you, Sterling."

"Commander, it's...it's been an honour, serving with you."

"You too, Sterling."

As Sterling nodded off, Ahsoka was annoyed at her vulnerability towards the situation. She constantly brabbled to herself about how she should have done more.

"May the force be with you, Sterling." She finished, despite knowing he wouldn't hear her.

"I am flattered that you could find the time to see me."

"What's Maul's plan? How is he going to escape?"

"Maul is not trying to escape because he sees no point in doing so."

"So, he believes he can defeat us?"

"No that's not it. For weeks now he's been consumed by a strange sense of dread."

"Has he mentioned Sidious?"

"Not that I can recall."

"You said he wanted Kenobi here, why?"

"Not just Kenobi he wanted no, there was someone else he was interested in."


"If only I can remember the name." He smirked.

"Bo, help him remember."

Then suddenly from behind, the double pistols of Saxon were shot straight through the prime minister, conveying the end.

"Rex, get a medic!"

"Maul had a vision, a dream. The name came to him."

"What name?"


"And what does he..." But it was over. Almaac was all but obliterated.

Ahsoka hadn't even concealed enough time to ask him about Caleb. Hence, she could only assume that he'll be all right. 

So I've officially decided that this will be a Caloka book, given that there aren't that many around and people probably wouldn't be too mad at me if I did. With that said, I better start planning how their relationship grows. 

Thank you.

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