Victory and Death

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"How are we gonna get out of here?" He emphasized.

"I have an idea."

"Which is?"

"Just set those things to stun, we're not trying to kill anyone."

"Well tell that to them."

"Wait...wait. Now!"

Revoking the door towards the clones, she dismantled a sum total of 4 of them before plunging forward and deflecting the shots of another 4.

"R7, find us a path out of here."

Rex shot them down instantaneously while Caleb retracted the blasts from behind. Almost suspending 2 of them if Ahsoka hadn't moved them out of the way by virtue of the force. Where Rex fired rapidly, renegading the final few.

"Sorry Ahsoka."

"It's all right. You did your best." She reassured.

"All right, now what?"

"The escape pods have been destroyed. Taking a shuttle is our best bet."

"Boys are having a rough time with it. Did you here Maul also escaped?"

"He didn't escape, I let him out."

"What? Why?"

"Diversion, come on!"

"That's one word for it."

The heroes pursued towards the main hangars, deploying attacks while fantasizing their immense attempts to keep them alive.

Caleb was glad Ahsoka had his idealism, for he had failed the boys enough without having to eliminate them. He just hoped that it would be enough to repudiate his bad deeds.

"Oh, I don't like the sound of that."

Finally rushing their destination, she revoked their shots as he did their bodies. Dismantling them temporarily.

"Hangar bay doors are sealed, they got everything locked out. If they weren't trying to kill us I'd be proud."

"R7, start unlocking the door on bay 12. Cheap, prep the shuttle. GG, find out what happened to the ship." She acuminated.

"What do you mean the hyperdrive is offline?"

"Beep beep beep."

"Destroyed, it's completely gone?" Caleb begged the question.

"We're caught in that moon's gravitational field."

"R7, open the main hangar doors." She motioned.

"We need to get out of here." Caleb started.

"Any luck with those doors?"


"And the shuttle?"

"Beep beep."

As the door slowly retracted, the 3 sufficed the sight only to realize that:

"They were waiting for us."

"So, what do we do? Fight our way to the shuttle?"

"There are too many. Besides, I don't want to hurt them."

"I hate to tell you this, but they don't care. This ship is going down. And those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die, and take you and me along with them." He flounced, staring right into her very soul.

Caleb felt deceived. Predominantly due to their vulnerability and how the clones showed no sign of charisma, despite their constant aggravation towards them.

Ahsoka returned the stare, only more gentle and polite.

Gradually walking towards her, she rested her hands on either sides of his helmet. Before dramatically liberating the helmet shielding his teary eyes. Handing the helmet to Caleb.

Rex looked away, undoubtedly embarrassed yet fully enraged.

"You're a good soldier Rex, so is every one of those men down there. They may be willing to die. But I am not the one who is going to kill them."

(Dramatic music)

"So we're just going to surrender? Admit defeat, is that it?"


"Well I don't see any other option."

"I have an idea." Caleb admitted, "Don't worry, it's a good one. I think."

"Let's see if yours is the same as mine." Ahsoka enchanted.

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