Chapter 9: Bestfriends or . . . .

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Denis came out of the bathroom quietly, fully clothed, remembering that Elijah was sleeping but as soon as he closed the bathroom door behind him, he looked over at the bed to be greeted with a fully awake Elijah. Elijah looked up from his phone to Denis and instantly smiled, "Hi Debsy!"  Denis was took by surprise to see Elijah awake but nonetheless quickly responded while walking over to his own side of the bed, "Uhh hi. . . . did you just wake up?"

Elijah nodded a yes and then said "Your probably tired from all that driving. . . ," "Aghhh it was supposed to be a calm week." Elijah paused for a few seconds and then looked down at his hands and said "I'm sorry Denis," rather guiltily. Denis stopped drying his hair and looked at Elijah sternly, now there was just an awkward silence until Denis tackled Elijah down.

Elijah's POV:

I had shut my eyes out of fright but soon opened them to be met with dark-brown eyes, my eyes traveled down to his lips to notice that are faces were dangerously close. I then quickly returned my gaze back to his eyes, putting both of my hands up to the lower half of my face to cover up my now blushing face. My gaze was still locked with his, I didn't know what to do at that moment, I didn't even know what his intentions were.

Denis then opened his mouth to say something but quickly stopped, noticing how close are faces were and immediately backed his head away whilst. . . . . . blushing. 'Wait why is Denis blushing, I mean yeah our faces were close but what was he thinking in the first place, what-' Denis interrupted my train of thought by blurting out, "I'm soo sorry, I- I- I didn't mean to-," "I SWEAR!" His eyes were now avoiding my stare by looking down.

Denis was completely embarrassed, we were both now sitting up. 'Could it be that. . . . . . Denis likes me,' 'yeah right, who would like me?!'  'What if he does though, ahhh Elijah stop making up nonsense.' My dusted pink cheeks were slowly fading, as  I continued my line of thought Denis finally broke the awkwardness, and partial silence by picking up his head and yelling, "I'm going to sleep!" He then hid underneath the covers. I sat there in my spot for a few seconds until saying, "You know Debsy, it's still the middle of the day." Denis pulled the cover off his head and looked out the window, "Oh yeah it is still, wait. . . . Ahhh crap, why did I put my sleepwear then."

"Hehehe you can be really stupid, without even trying too," I said, but soon regretted once I was smacked by Denis on the back of the head. I hissed at the sudden action and soon tried to get my revenge but failed greatly by falling off the bed earning a laugh from Denis. "Stop laughing at me, it's not funny!" I yelled. Me and Denis started bickering until Ethan had called my name from downstairs to which I quickly got up from the floor and ran downstairs yelling "Yes Ethan?!" leaving Denis behind.

Denis's POV:
I was sitting with my legs in a criss-cross position on his bed, admiring what his room has to offer. 'It's quite big to be honest, I wonder where Rudy sleeps......' "IM BACKKK!" Elijah shouted busting through the door startling me. "Geez Elijah, is this how you treat your guests," I said rather annoyed, Elijah then responded while closing the door behind him, "Oh cmon we're best friends or as you say boy-friends." I tensed up once he said the last few words, 'How did he hear me, what keen ears he has . . . . . what else did he hear?' "Debsy, Din-din," Elijah chirped, he was also poking my cheek. I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly backed my head away from his touch to which he noticed and put his hand down quickly.

Elijah started wandering around his room rambling while I decided to go onto Twitter completely forgetting about my damp hair. I scrolled through some tweets, liking a few until I came across one that said "when are we getting a collab from Denis and sketch." 'Hmm we should do a video, maybe react to some comments,' I looked up from my phone skimming around the room for Elijah spotting him.

He seemed to notice I was looking for him because he looked over at me and walked to my direction sitting beside me, I made eye contact with him once he sat down, he was smiling 'Gwahh I really do get lost in those eyes of his, Ahhhh Denis keep your composure.' I noticed I was thinking for too long and quickly got to the point, "Uhh Elijah. . . . we should do a video for both of our channels."

Elijah sat there thinking for a moment and then got up and said, "I don't know what your doing for your channel but I already know what I'm doing for mine." "Hmm, and what would that be?" I asked curiously. Elijah took a deep breath and yelled on the top of his lungs, "JUST DAR-," before Elijah could finish I got up and quickly covered his mouth and mumbled "Your being too loud Elijah!" He removed my hands off his mouth and whispered "Sorry, I was just excited," with a cheeky smile.

'With that smile of his, he could get away with everything,'  "So what do you have planned," Elijah chirped.  "Ehhh, I don't really know actually," Well, then just ask your fans on Twitter what video they wanna see with us together," Elijah suggested. "Ohh yeah, wouldn't that be smart," I said while letting out a giggle followed along with Elijah chuckling.

3ʀᴅ ᴘᴏᴠ:
As the week went by, followed along with fun days. Denis dreaded the day he would have to fly back to Canada. He remembers asking Elijah about going with him, but doesn't even remember if he got a yes or no answer. With that left being said, Denis was to much of a coward to ask again so he left it be. The next week approached moving through the days fast, making Denis anxious, about what? Well probably never getting another chance to tell Elijah how he feels about their status as just best friends, that is until one day before Denis's leave for Canada. Elijah had just come back from picking up Denis's plane ticket well that is at least what Denis had thought.

Elijah walked through the front door to only come back empty handed. Denis was sitting on top of the kitchen counter with Rudy on his lap. Once Denis saw Elijah empty handed, he asked what had happened?

"Well Denis, looks like this pandemic is only getting worse really," "I wasn't even able to get a ticket for you," Elijah said. Denis was concerned not because he couldn't go back to his home, but because he has a dog well "cat", he only anticipated staying for two weeks therefore leaving enough food and water to last up the whole two weeks and now who knows how long he'll be here in Massachusetts.

Denis at that moment did think of maybe getting his girlfriend to take care of Masha but then again they are going to break up and she lives pretty far from where he's residence is, the last thing he wanted to do was make it a even more hassle than it all ready is. "Uhhh. . . . Elijah did I ever tell you that I own a cat?" Elijah quickly responded with "Ahhh you see that's where the surprise comes in!" Denis took that by surprise but he also was confused, he started pondering 'Hmmm so probably someone's going to bring my cat here, but who?' Before Denis could ponder anymore Elijah snapped him out of his thoughts by saying "Just relax Debsy,"

"After all it is a surprise, isn't it?"


I feel quite happy actually with this chapter idk why at the moment
Ohhhhh wait, How was your day or maybe morning? I just wanted to ask I think it's really nice to ask someone how they were today even if it wasn't the best day but anyway 627 reads!!! That is a number I never thought I would see that's amazing it really is! Hehehe okay bye byeꨄ Thank you very much

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