Chapter 5: It's snowing, finally!!ꨄ (Denis's POV)

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DENIS'S POV: 8:23 pm
I fluttered my eyes open and I looked around to only remember that me and Elijah are cuddling. I looked at him but instead of blushing crazy, I softly brushed my fingertips across his cheek 'hehehe so cute~,so cute~, little kitty' , 'I should start calling me him kitty~, fits him well.'  While I was in my thoughts, I quickly noticed he was moving a little, meaning he's gonna wake up soon. I quickly went back to my position pretending to be asleep, surprisingly I'm good at fake sleeping. I felt him move his head back 'He must be confused hahahe,' 'He's trying to leave, I want him to stay with me a little bit' more,' I thought before I pulled him back to are position. After about 5 minutes he snuggled back into my neck and said "Hehehe so warm~," That's when I started blushing immediately 'Ok I definitely have a crush on him, but I don't think he has the same feelings for me. . . . . . .'

Denis looked at the only light source in the room, it was a small lamp and it was on a nightstand on the far right corner 'I wonder what he has been doing ever since corl left,' 'you know sometimes I really wish he was still with us, he was my childhood friend.' "I miss him, I miss him," I started to silently cry. Elijah seem to notice because he lift his head up to look at me and then he frowned "Denis, why are you crying?" He said. I just wanted to cry even more but I was holding my tears back, Instead of answering his question I dug my face into the pillow I was laying my head on 'this is embarrassing ahhh he must think I'm a crybaby.' I clenched my teeth to hold back my tears but then I felt Elijah's hand, guide my chin towards him so I would be facing him. He wiped my tears gently with his thumb "Debsy, we all miss him," he said with a light smile "It's fine to cry, it happens, so please don't hide it from me. . . ." 'Wow he really is a whole different person, so sweet, so kind, so nice.'

I was about to say something but Rudy jumped down In between us, then Elijah said "Ohhh, Rudy Im sorry," as he was getting off the couch. I was very confused of why he said that. Elijah seem to notice I was confused because he then said "I forgot to feed him din-din," while picking up Rudy. "Ohhhh," I said but then I pouted because I wanted to cuddle with Elijah more. I then mumbled "I wanted to cuddle more. . . .," thankfully he didn't hear me. Elijah then started walking away until he suddenly stopped and turned back to face me "Hey Denis, you know it's supposed to snow tonight again," he said with a grin plastered on his face, "WAIT REALLY, Yayyy about time!" I said excitedly, Elijah then giggled from my excitement and went back to what he was doing originally, I then went to open the blinds to reveal the moons light, 'Hmph, I thought it was already snowing.' It then hit me that we slept basically the whole day, "Wow we really slept that long," I said to myself, then I started fixing the living room because we sure did make a mess-

6 minutes later (8:45pm)

As I finished cleaning, Elijah came back from the kitchen with Rudy following behind him, he walked to my side and said "You should probably take a shower Debsy," 'Ooo perfect time to use his new nickname~,' "Ohhh right, I will thanks for reminding me kitty~," I said smiling, beginning to walk away. I looked back at him and saw that he was flustered, 'He gets so flustered easily, it's adorable.'
Once I got to the door I entered, not even bothering to close the door fully. "Now, where are my pajamas," I said while skimming through my neatly folded clothes, by the time I found my pajamas my side of the closet was a mess. I looked at Elijah's then back at mine, 'How the heck does skoopy keep his side clean let alone this huge house.' I look around his room it was all clean, I then snickered to myself and a smirk started forming on my face, "He would be a good housewife~," I said, 'Huh,WAIT DENIS STOP THINKING THAT WAY,' 'Okay Denis time to take a shower,' I then quickly entered the bathroom and closed the door

Once all of my clothes were off I turned on the shower, then I went to get a new towel from a rack that was nonetheless neatly stacked. 'Hmmmm could not relate.' I then entered the shower, letting my tensed up form slowly relax to the warmth of the water. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted a fair amount on the palm of my hand and started to lather my hair up with gentle gestures.
I then rinsed off the sweet scented shampoo and started to apply a small amount of conditioner to my hand then to my brunet locks, I left the conditioner to set in my hair while I started scrubbing other parts of my body and eventually rinsing all of the excess product that was on me off.
I turned the knob and opened the shower screen door to grab my towel and carefully dried myself with it. Once I got out of the shower, I grabbed my boxers slipping them on along with my sweatpants 'Now where is my shirt,' I then realized I forgot it, 'Aghh I knew I forgot something,'

I exited the bathroom to find that I left my shirt on the bed, 'Ohh, I really thought I brought that with me to the bathroom,' 'I guess not.' As I was putting my shirt on, I heard movement but just passed it off as probably Rudy running around the house.When I finished putting my shirt on, I swear the whole time I was putting my shirt on, I felt eyes on me. I looked towards the door and then to the window all paranoid 'Probably just your imagination Denis.' "Now I gotta find kitty~," I said then went looking for him around the house, but to my surprise he wasn't any where in the house, 'where could he b-,' I was disturbed by yelling coming from outside. My eyes widened when the thought of Elijah maybe being kidnapped right now entered my mind, I quickly ran to nearest window to be relieved from my worries, "Ahh he's just standing outside," I said, but then I noticed the little flakes of snow, 'ITS SNOWING.'

I then ran to the door leading to the front porch, I saw Elijah look at me with such soft eyes, I then ran down the porch stairs and said this while I was running towards Elijah, "It's snowing finally!" When I fixed my eyes on Elijah, I noticed that he probably is cold, because he didn't have a jacket and he's been outside longer than me. I was only 2 feet away from him so I decided to wrap my arms around him 'It's the least I could do for him cause I don't have a jacket either,' 'I'm not complaining, gives me an excuse to touch him.' I then said "Elijah your gonna get a cold, if you don't wear a jacket!' Elijah then said "Aghhh I'm sorry Debsy," while looking at me with a smile, 'Just he's smile makes me all flustered,' I then mumbled, "I'm gonna keep you warm now," with a tint of pink forming on my cheeks. "Awww thanks din-din," Elijah said teasingly.

It was complete silence after that, a pleasant silence, I then started thinking about telling him if he wants to come with me to Canada. 'Should I tell him now, it seems perfect to tell him now,' 'Ahhh what if he says no.' 'Okay you know what Denis, it's now or never,' I then broke the silence, "Hey Elijah, can I ask you something?" Elijah replied with "Mhmm," I then begin again, "Do you by any chance want to. . . ." I started panicking internally. Elijah then fixed his gaze to me and waited patiently with a smile. I took a deep breath and said "ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀɴᴀᴅᴀ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ" really quietly. Elijah then turned his whole body to face me and said "Debsy, can you say that louder," he then pinched my arm to get my attention. I winced at the slight pain and said "Oww," Elijah then said, "Soooo want to what?" I then tried again, "Do you want to. . . COME TO CANDA WITH ME!" but ended up saying the last few words really loud and quickly. Elijah flinched from the sudden outburst, "I didn't mean that LOUD!" Elijah said a bit irritated.

He must of felt sorry because he quickly said, "Ahh I'm sorry Denis, I didn't mean to say it that rude." We just stood there looking at each other until both of us started laughing are guts out for no reason 'But I gotta say Elijah's laugh is cute of course I wouldn't say that to him aloud.' After about a good 30seconds  we settled down. I noticed that Elijah seemed cold, he was slightly shivering, I then immediately said with a smile, "Let's go back to the house, it's warm in there."

Without even thinking twice, I gripped his hand and started pulling him towards the house lightly 'I would pick him up bridal-style, buttt that's probably to far,' 'On the other hand he seems to be enjoying the warmth of my hand.' 'Honestly being here and away from my soon to be ex-girlfriend is awesome I get to be with Elijah, It's. . . . . . . very pleasant

❥Whooooo finally finished with this chapter, I'm so tired rn (2:29am)I will edit the mistakes later~if there are any
❥Thanks again for taking the time to read this fanfic
♡Thank youuuuuu <3
❥Ohhh and also the next chapters are gonna take a little longer but I'm working on it!!!

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