The news : 14 years ago

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???'s POV

So...I sent a letter to mother and I am waiting for her response.Oh wait,there's Haluca. I hope that old man didn't try anything. I took the letter from Haluca and check it to make sure that it is mothers letter not mine, unopened. It is from her, wow...
Alright, let's read the letter.

Dear Ashton,

Hello son, I am fine here don't worry, what about you? Oh who am I kidding? Of course your safe and healthy!

Anyway, onto the important thing I have to tell you, I'm pregnant. I am 6 months along, the due date is 9th January 1960, next year a week after New Year... Also, the baby is a boy! You used to ask me about having a little brother after all~

I just hope you'll be fine without me and that you won't feel replaced. I would NEVER replace you, ever.

Also, after this letter I sincerely apologize because there would be no more letters from me... Please stop sending them, it's for your own safety...

Well, have a good life without me and grow up to a handsome young man, Ashton I love you.

We shall meet one day,

Your Mother
(Eileen Snape neé Prince)

I finished reading and I'm shocked... I'll be an older brother? Most importantly, keeping him away from ME?! THAT'S INSANE! THAT OLD MAN COULD HAVE KILLED HIM! I sighed and thought to myself, no matter, I'll just wait until I can stand on my own two feet.

Wait for me, brother... I promise I'll come back and save you one day... I promise...

The Overprotective and Neutral Older BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now