First Day Together After 13 years Part 1

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The Next Day - The Snape Household

The morning sun shines bright and the birds were chirping. There is a 23-year-old young man that has been up since 6 a.m.

The young man had woken up early to start his day before his little brother wakes up. He had found out that the house is relatively empty and cold.

He is going to change that. He had woken up early for his errands at one of his old friends' workplace and he had also done a few changes around the house, there's also a heater now!

After getting his errands done, he went to the market to buy groceries. Once he bought enough for both of them to last until the end of this month before he has to go full-on grocery shopping again.

He arrived home around 9 a.m., enough time for him to get breakfast done. He had bought some toiletries for him and his brother so that his brother can get refreshed.

Don't tell him that is a lot yet. He bought a full new wardrobe for his brother. How did the young man know his little brother's actual clothing size, we'll never know.

It was 9:30 a.m. when his little brother opened his bedroom door and asked his brother,

"What are you doing- wait, are these for me?!" The younger of the two asked in shock

"Yes, Severus, those are for you, and for your first question, I am cooking breakfast. Get ready because we're cutting your hair. It's so long- how can you be okay with that?!"

The young man asked, shocked that his little brother is okay with his long hair getting in the way.

"Why are you being so nice to me, Ashton?!" Severus asked, devastated.

"What do you mean, Sev?"

Ashton asked, perplexed by what his brother is trying to tell him.

"Why are you wasting your time and money on me? I don't deserve this..."
Severus admitted

Ashton looked thoughtful for a few moments.

'So that's why he looked scared about me doing things he's not used to...'

Ashton thought a bit more and said,

"Because I promised myself that I'll save you and mother from the old man."

There, he said it... Seeing Severus being quiet he continued,

"I never wanted to leave you, both of you! But I first found out about you when mother was a few months along and I was already in another country not being able to leave until I'm of age."

He admitted to Severus who looked sad and shameful for his actions. Ashton turns off the stove and went to his brother who is still in front of his bedroom door. He hugged the brooding boy and said,

"I promise you from now on I'll never leave you alone. We're in this together, okay?" He asked softly

"Okay, big brother," Severus answered timidly

"Good lad, now off you go to the shower." He shooed his brother to the shower and put the new designer outfit along with the hair ties on the boy's bed.

" He shooed his brother to the shower and put the new designer outfit along with the hair ties on the boy's bed

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(Like this basically, just have a Slytherin touch to it.)

'Let's just hope that he'll love it. The original blackish green with silver lines on the outfit makes it a lot better on Severus after all.' Leaving his thoughts at that, he resumes his cooking.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ashton wondered who it is but he just went up the door to greet the guest.

"Yes? May I help you...?" He trailed off

There's a girl no anymore younger than Severus' age. She has flaming red hair that looks almost auburn color. Along with a set of Emerald green eyes. Sensing that he is new she said,

"Evans, Lily Evans. Umm..." She trailed off.

Ashton realizing he has gone too deep into his thoughts answered,

"Oh yes, Prince, Ashton Prince was formerly known as Ashton Snape." He answered professionally.

"Oh, so you're the older brother that Sev mentioned before! I'm his best friend since we were nine-year-olds," Lily answered

How grateful he felt when he heard that they had been friends for so long.

'At least he has a friend by his side while I'm away,' Ashton thought idly

"Well good to hear, I had just got back here yesterday and had gotten our father arrested at the same time. So I hope you'll forgive me for not coming over to save them sooner,"

He idly signaled that he'll explain more of his return to Severus' best friend during breakfast later.

"Well, what are you waiting for, come on in. Did you have breakfast yet?" He asked.

"No, I got worried about yesterday that came straight over after I got ready," Lily explained

"Well sit down and wait for Sev while I cook. He'll be down in a minute." Ashton explained briefly and yelled,

"Sev! Lily's here for you!"

After that, he heard a crash in his brother's room.

'Dork' he thought fondly

"Get down after you're done changing then I'll tell you more about our living arrangement and your school fees.

I'll have to explain some rules and background about the wizarding world to Lily after all."

'What does he mean by that?' Lily thought, a little bit worried about what else that would be revealed today.

"Don't worry too much child, I just needed to tell you both about how the wizarding world really works around here." Ashton had somehow read her mind and explained his intentions to her.

"Your face says it all by the way." He added subconsciously.

"Oh," Lily said quietly.

Severus gets down a few seconds later and greets Lily. They were chatting about their schoolwork and the possible training arrangement.

That part was mainly Severus' idea because he wanted the both of them to get stronger, but, we'll talk about that later. A few minutes later, Ashton called out on them,

"Breakfast is served, kids. Sit down and take whatever you want from the big plate. Pancakes and fruit bowl is here as well just in case you want them." Ashton explained

"Oh yes, before I forgot, how many of the pureblood wizarding families that you know or heard of?" Ashton asked the two teenagers.

There was a moment of silence and confusion (between Severus and Lily mostly) until it was broken by,

"Wait, what?!" Severus and Lily exclaimed in unison.

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